Year of consolidation (Part 3)

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: English, Spanish) ->Alternate

SUMMARY: In this meditation, the speaker discusses the importance of reconsecration, new beginnings, reconfirmation of promises, and renewal of covenants with God. He compares this to Abram's experience at Bethel, where he consecrates himself, worships God, and looks back at what has transpired before entering into a new stage of his journey. The speaker emphasizes the need for the congregation to reflect on their experiences, consolidate their vision, and reaffirm their commitment to being a supernaturally oriented, gift-oriented, charismatic, excellent, and evangelistic people. He also emphasizes the importance of harmony and racial and cultural diversity, and the need to seek transformation and become agents of change in the city. The speaker believes that God is going to take the congregation into "warp speed" and has reconfirmed his promises, and therefore, the congregation needs to prepare for the continuation of their journey.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of living life intentionally and not just going through the motions. They urge people to reflect on where God has taken them from and be grateful for His interventions in their lives. They also stress the importance of learning from these experiences and integrating them into one's life. The speaker outlines specific goals for the congregation, including continuing evangelistic efforts, learning how to use and decorate the new sanctuary, strengthening the foundations of prayer and seeking the power of the Holy Spirit, and formally inaugurating the new facility. They also highlight the financial challenges the congregation faces and the need to work towards paying off significant debts.

The Church needs to focus on financial stability to meet the demands of a growing congregation who expect more services, care, and excellence. Additionally, the Church needs to learn how to be a multi-ethnic Church, not just bilingual, and make adjustments to services and resources to accommodate different cultures.

Ley us begin our meditation this morning. You've already read this moment where Abram after coming from Egypt gets to Bethel, offers an altar to the Lord that he already had established there and blesses the Name of God, and kind of consecrates himself, and worships God which I've said it's almost like a new beginning, a new journey after an interlude in Egypt.

And that we ourselves find ourselves in a kind of interlude as we have finished our new sanctuary and now are entering into a new stage of the journey, and we need to also come to a place of looking at what has happened, what has transpired, consecrating ourselves thinking about where we come from and then looking forward to what's ahead.

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