persistent and repetitive faith

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In this sermon, the speaker discusses the importance of persistence in faith. He uses examples from the Bible, such as the parable of the friend at midnight in Luke 11 and the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18, to illustrate the power of persistence in prayer and in achieving one's goals. The speaker emphasizes the need to persistently ask, seek, and knock in prayer and to not give up or become discouraged. The speaker also acknowledges the difficulty of applying these truths in one's life and cites Jesus' question about whether he will find faith on earth when he returns.

In this sermon, the speaker talks about the importance of persistent prayer in our lives. He uses the example of a man who goes to his friend's house at midnight to borrow coffee and illustrates the fragility and neediness of human beings. He explains that prayer is born from a recognition of our weakness and insufficiency, and it is when we turn our eyes to God that we find the strength we need. The speaker encourages cultivating a sense of fragility and recognizing that we always depend on God. He emphasizes the importance of knowing God and having a deep knowledge of His character and resources through studying the Bible, attending church, and taking discipleship classes.

In this sermon, Dr. Roberto Miranda emphasizes the importance of persistence in prayer and faith. He urges listeners to continuously repeat actions such as reading the Bible, attending church, and praying, so that when times of trial come, their reactions will be instinctive. Miranda also highlights the need for persistence in prayer, citing the parables of the unjust judge and the unwilling friend as examples of God's willingness to respond to our needs if we persist in asking. He encourages listeners to make a pact with God to stay persistent and not be intimidated or discouraged if they do not receive an answer right away.

Luke chapter 11. Let's go to the Gospel according to Saint Luke, chapter 11, verses 5 to 10. And in these days that we are talking about the subject, what? Of faith. The theme of faith. This year is a year in which we will be continually meditating on issues and considerations that guide us towards faith, to live lives of faith. Lives of authority in the Lord. Lives that reflect the use of the resources of the spirit. The use of the truths of the word of God. That is a life of faith, a life that can provision itself, take advantage of... grab hold of the instruments that God has given in his word because it believes that they are true, that they are useful, that they are reliable, that they are real and that they are for this time, which are for me and for you. That is faith.

Faith is the attitude, the posture... that allows us to connect with the resources of the kingdom of heaven. With the truths of the Kingdom of Heaven. That openness to what God has declared and that simplicity of heart that allows us to believe that if God said it, that if the Word of God says it, it is real and that I can go to the bank with it. Amen. That is faith. It is an attitude of receptivity to the promises and declarations of God.

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