holy despair

Nick Pena
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker talks about his encounter with God at 16 and his hunger for God in 1997. He shares how he prayed and walked the streets of New York, seeking God's presence and fulfilling his calling. He emphasizes the importance of seeking the Holy Spirit in all aspects of life, whether it be for financial miracles or finding a spouse. He also shares his personal experiences of God's glory and how seeking His presence led to blessings in his life. He emphasizes the importance of hungering and thirsting for God and seeking His presence above all else. He shares testimonies of divine healing and miracles that have occurred during his preaching. He ends by encouraging the audience to seek God's presence and trust in His ability to provide for their needs.

The speaker shares about a past experience where he witnessed a woman with lung cancer receiving a re-creative miracle and another woman with an issue of blood being healed when she touched Jesus' cloak. He emphasizes the importance of worship, faith, and hunger for God in receiving miracles and blessings. He also encourages giving to the poor as a way to receive blessings from God. The speaker prays for those who are hungry, thirsty, and in need of healing or other blessings.

I want to talk tonight about holy hunger, or holy despair. When I was 16 years old I had an encounter with the Lord, I knew that there was something strange because the first time I was not speaking in church, right? Today one comes to church and the young people are talking and playing, chewing gum, playing around, poking around, but that day in 1996 the Holy Spirit had my attention, you know when God has your attention, He has your attention. I had a divine encounter, I'm not going to get into that part of it, but in 1997, I was so hungry for God. In 1997 I was hungry for God, because when God touched me the first time I prayed for six, seven, eight hours, sang in tongues for 3 hours and then interpreted tongues for three hours, and they closed the room, and my Grandma called me, she told me get out of the room, you have to eat, come out of the room! But I was eating in my spirit, I was feeding in the word of God.

Holy desperation in 1997 I said to God: I want to see the fulfillment, I want to see what You called me to do, I want to see the manifestations that you promised me, I don't want to play for the sick and then they die. Praying for the sick and they did not call me because they were dying, I want to see the prophetic fulfillment that You have promised me, I began to pray and walk the streets of New York, whoever saw me in those days believed that I was crazy, speaking in tongues, walking down the street, in the middle of the street, someone told me brother or you are angry or you are angry, I told him no I am praying, because there was, the bible says deep calls into the deep, when God calls that depth that calls to the depths, and it is something very personal, very private, and I began to see God as a Lord, You can use this skinny Dominican guy from New York City, then maybe, you know here I am, I want You to use me, I'm desperate for Your presence, when it began to happen, when it began to happen, when we were praying in our room my wife and I had two children, the presence of God would come into the room in such a powerful way.

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