God speaks today Wednesday | March 20, 2024

When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person. (Job 22:29)
And, behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue: and he fell down at Jesus' feet, and besought him that he would come into his house: (Luke 8:41)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

The Lord cares for the humble but looks at the haughty from afar

Luke chapter 8 features two contrasting characters - Jairo, a religious leader with power and influence, and a woman with a flow of blood, who is anonymous and marginalized. This contrast teaches us that God deals equally with both the rich and the poor and that the attitude of the heart, not external conditions, affects God's response to us. Both Jairo and the woman humble themselves before Jesus and recognize His power and grace, which inspires Him to respond to their needs. This passage invites us to check our hearts and approach the Lord with humility and faith. Read more...

Cross Reference

Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. (1 Peter 5:5)
And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. (Matthew 23:12)
But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. (James 4:6)
He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. (Luke 1:52)


JULIO SATURNINO ARDURA LÓPEZ : Wonderful teaching, the Word of God always speaks to us and gives us the answer and the method of addressing Him with humility, recognizing that He is the Only One who can save us from the situation we are going through. Thank you very much and many blessings to all God bless you Amen
What a beautiful comment, JULIO SATURNINO ARDURA LÓPEZ! It is true that the Word of God teaches us to approach Him with humility, recognizing that only He can save us from the situations we go through. As mentioned in the verse from Job 22:29 quoted by Dr. Roberto Miranda, "When you are downcast, you will speak with confidence And He will save the humble." It is a beautiful lesson that reminds us of the importance of maintaining a humble heart and trusting in God at all times. May God continue to bless you abundantly! Amen!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you LORD for taking care of me whenever I feel down. Amen.
What a beautiful expression, Enrique Meneses Muñoz! It is comforting to know that we can turn to the Lord at all times, especially when we feel down. As the verse in Luke 8:41 mentions, where Jairus, despite being an important man, humbled himself before Jesus seeking help, we remember that the Lord is always willing to listen to us and care for us in our need. May the presence and consolation of the Lord always be with you! Amen!
Alberto Henriquez: That is The true and only God, who sees more than the human eye can see...And acts in the same way as people approach Him humbly..
What an accurate comment, Alberto Henríquez! It is wonderful to recognize that our God is able to see beyond what our human eyes can perceive and act in response to the way we approach Him with humility and faith. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, both Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood humbly approached Jesus and received His attention and power. This teaches us the importance of approaching God with a humble and trusting heart. May God continue to guide and bless you on your journey of faith! God bless you!
Francisco Diaz S.: Arrogance and pride is a barrier that separates us from the grace of God.- When we approach the Lord when we ask him for our needs, we must recognize that God is omnipotent, who is above all circumstances, and also understand that he is just. and merciful to the humble of heart and pure feelings.- Praise the Lord
What a profound reflection, Francisco Díaz S.! It is true that arrogance and pride can become barriers that separate us from the grace of God. Recognizing the sovereignty and power of God, as well as approaching Him with humility and purity of heart, allows us to experience His justice and mercy. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, the attitude of our heart when approaching God is essential to receive His intervention in our lives. Praise the Lord for His grace and mercy! May His light and love continue to guide your path! Blessings! Glory to God!
Ruth Vives.: God blesses the gifts, requests and prayers of the Christian who is humble. God bless you. Amen.
What a beautiful truth, Ruth Vives! It is wonderful to remember that God blesses the gifts, requests and prayers of those who approach Him with humility and sincerity of heart. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, humility is a quality that moves the heart of God and allows us to receive His grace and favor. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly and guide your steps in humility and faith. God bless you! Amen!
Carlos A. Borja Flores: We are in a time of humanity where social position has a lot of influence, even in Christian churches. May this devotional serve to make us reflect on the conclusion that Dr. Miranda presents, when he expresses that we must "check our hearts and approach the Lord with the correct attitude because the Word says that the Lord attends to the humble, but to the haughty he looks from afar." "So let us always keep that humble and simple heart before the Lord to be able to receive from Him."
What a wise reflection, Carlos A. Borja Flores. It is true that in today's society social position can influence even within Christian churches, but it is essential to remember the importance of maintaining a humble and simple heart before the Lord. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, the attitude of our heart when approaching God is what moves His heart and allows us to receive His grace and blessing. May these words encourage us to reflect and always seek to approach God with humility and faith. May the Lord continue to guide you in your walk of faith and bless you abundantly! God bless you! Thanks for sharing your reflection!
Luis Alfredo Ramírez Cano: Thank you for such a simple and magnificent explanation. We must come to the Lord with our open hearts, with a heart of flesh, asking Him with faith. Recognizing that he is Our Lord and that without him we are nothing but empty vessels. Wealth is in our hearts, in our humility and in the wisdom that the Lord has given us to recognize the greatness, mercy and work of the Lord in every situation and in everything he has created.
What a beautiful comment, Luis Alfredo Ramírez Cano. It is true that we must go to the Lord with an open heart, full of faith and humility, recognizing that without Him we are nothing more than empty vessels. As you mention, true wealth is in our hearts, in our humility and in the wisdom that God has granted us to recognize His greatness, mercy and work in every aspect of our life. May these words inspire us to continue seeking the presence of God with surrendered and grateful hearts. May God continue to bless you and guide your steps in His path of love and grace! Thank you for sharing your reflection full of wisdom! God bless you!