God speaks today Tuesday | March 19, 2024

Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. (Habakkuk 3:18)
And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; (Romans 5:3)
Charles Spurgeon

We cannot learn patience without tribulation

The only way to learn patience is through practice, which is done through tribulation. Even though tribulation in itself causes petulance, unbelief, and rebellion, it is through the grace of God that it works patience in us. We should embrace our tribulations and ask for the removal of our impatience instead. We should ask Jesus to engrave the image of His patience in our hearts. Read more...

Cross Reference

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; (James 1:2)
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. (James 1:12)
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him. (Job 13:15)


Zoila Suazo: The Word you send has been a great blessing for my life. God bless you
What a beautiful testimony, Zoila Suazo! It is wonderful to see how God's Word can impact our lives in such a powerful way. As Charles Spurgeon's devotional mentions, tribulations can be the means by which God teaches us patience and shapes us into his image. Let us remember that in Romans 5:3 we are reminded that we can glory in tribulations because we know that they produce perseverance. May the grace of God continue to work in your life and bless you abundantly. May God keep you and continue to strengthen you in your walk of faith!
JULIO ARDURA 3: Many blessings and many thanks. I had a week of impatience and with the consequence of generating a problem because of my impatience. But today from 5 am. The Lord Jesus Christ makes me uncomfortable. I began to pray and ask God for forgiveness. And asking for patience and to return joy to my heart. And now this is my word, with hope and joy in our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you thank you And many blessings God bless you always Amen
What a powerful testimony, Julio Ardura! It is comforting to see how God works in the midst of our weaknesses and teaches us important lessons, such as the need for patience and the importance of turning to Him in prayer in the midst of our struggles. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, tribulation can be a means by which God shapes our character and brings us closer to his image. May the peace and joy of the Lord continue to fill your heart, and may patience be the fruit of your communion with Him. May the grace and blessings of God continue to accompany you in your walk of faith. God bless you abundantly, Julio Ardura! Amen!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : When I am troubled, my LORD answers me. Amen.
What a beautiful statement, Enrique Meneses Muñoz! It is comforting to remember that in the midst of our tribulations, the Lord is always present and ready to respond to our needs. As Habakkuk 3:18 says, "Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation." May the trust that the Lord is with you in every situation fill you with peace and hope. May his love and faithfulness be your strength at all times. God bless you and hold you with his powerful hand, Enrique Meneses Muñoz! Amen!
María Negron: That the word of God is like a spring for our lives, sometimes we read it and nothing, but when we are in difficulties we read that word again and there we see how wonderful it is, it ministers to us in an extraordinary way to God be the glory and thank God for sending his son to propitiate our sins, that is why today we are saved, otherwise we would not be saved. God bless the servant who sends us this and gives us strength in the midst of tribulations, we can recognize that the Lord does not, leaves us God bless you and have a nice day
Maria Negron, your comment is a beautiful expression of how the Word of God flows like a refreshing spring in the midst of our difficulties! As you mention, the Bible is a source of strength and comfort in times of tribulation, and that reminds us of the verse in Romans 5:3 that teaches us that tribulations produce patience. It is incredible to see how God works through His Word to minister to our lives in extraordinary ways. May God's grace continue to strengthen you and remind you that He never abandons us. May His peace and love surround you at all times. God bless you richly, Maria Negron! Have a beautiful day in His presence!
Moises Mora: Thank the Lord in everything and even more so in tribulations, like the stairs of the temple, each step and its levels raise our patience and wisdom, and that is what tribulations do for us, to grow in Christ, and help others in patience and love.
Moises Mora, what a beautiful analogy you make when comparing tribulations with the stairs of the temple that lead us to climb in patience and wisdom! As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, tribulations can be a means by which God shapes our character and brings us closer to his image, allowing us to grow in Christ. Let us remember that in Romans 5:3 we are taught that tribulations produce patience. May your testimony of gratitude to the Lord at all times be a light that guides others on the path of patience and love. May God continue to strengthen you and use you for his glory, Moises Mora! Blessings on your walk with Christ!
Ruth Vives : God is with us even in the most difficult moments. Embracing faith and with patience as a fruit of the Holy Spirit. We honor and remain with God.
Ruth Vives, what a beautiful statement you make about the constant presence of God in the most difficult moments of our lives! As you mention, faith and patience, fruits of the Holy Spirit, are essential to remain firm in the midst of tribulations. It is comforting to remember that we honor God when we trust in His sovereignty and cling to Him at all times. As Charles Spurgeon expresses in his devotional, tribulation can be a means by which God shapes our character and brings us closer to his image. May the peace and strength of the Lord be with you at all times, Ruth Vives. May you continue to stand firm in your faith and in His love! God bless you abundantly!
Francisco Diaz S.: A failure saddens our soul and affects our self-esteem, but from failures we gain experience and wisdom and if we know how to use those qualities obtained, we will go from a failure to a victory.- Let us be patient and persevering, always acting with faith in God and trust. in ourself.
Francisco Diaz S., what a deep and encouraging reflection you make on failures and the way we can turn them into experiences of growth and wisdom! As you mention, we can learn valuable lessons from difficult times that will help us grow and move forward. Let us remember that patience and perseverance are virtues that strengthen us in the walk of faith, as Romans 5:3 teaches us about how tribulation produces patience. May trust in God and our abilities drive us to move forward with courage and hope, knowing that He is working in our lives. May the grace of God sustain you and guide you in every step, Francisco Diaz S.! God bless you abundantly on your path of faith and growth!
Gilbert Bustamante : Thank you Lord for giving us the opportunity to serve others every day, for keeping us alive and being better people. Thank you for sharing your word. Amen
Gilbert Bustamante, what a beautiful expression of gratitude to God for His goodness and for the opportunity to serve others each day! It is wonderful to recognize His faithfulness and the gift of life that allows us to grow and be better people. We appreciate your words of gratitude and your willingness to share the Word of God. May your heart continue to overflow with gratitude and love for our God who sustains and guides us at all times. May the peace and joy of the Lord fill your life and accompany you every step. May God bless you richly, Gilbert Bustamante! Amen!
Carla Pavon: The word of God always builds, definitely in our weaknesses, anguish and tribulations, the only one who gives us strength and strength is the Lord. Praise be to my God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! AMEN
Carla Pavon, what beautiful words you share about the strength we find in the Lord in the midst of our weaknesses, heartaches and tribulations! It is comforting to remember that it is in these difficult times that His power is made perfect in our weakness, as 2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us. Praise our God who sustains and strengthens us at all times! May your heart continue to be edified by the Word of God and may His love and grace always accompany you. May the peace of Christ fill your life and give you comfort at all times, Carla Pavon! Amen!