God speaks today Thursday | March 21, 2024

For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth. (Amos 9:9)
And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: (Luke 22:31)
Charles Spurgeon

Protected during shaking

God's people are currently being shaken and tested, like grain in a sieve, by various forces including disbelief, the world, and the apostate church. However, through this process, the chaff is being separated from the wheat and all that is good, true, and precious will be preserved. No believer, no matter how small, will be lost and everything gained in Jesus Christ. This message is from The Bank of Faith Checkbook, translated by Allan Roman. Read more...

Cross Reference

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: (1 Peter 5:8)
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. (Job 1:6)
For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth. (Amos 9:9)
And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. (Zechariah 3:1)


Wulfredo : Unbelief, the world and the apostate church can shake us: When you least expect it, if you are not equipped and without armor covered with the shield of faith and the word and the helmet of salvation. Job was shaken and in what way! Pray then without ceasing and be clean of sin so that the maluco does not destroy us. Amen
What a beautiful reminder Wulfred gives us in his commentary on the importance of being equipped with the armor of God and remaining in constant prayer and purity to resist the shocks of unbelief, the world, and the apostate church. As Charles Spurgeon's devotional mentions, in Amos 9:9 we read that God will sift his people as grain is sifted in a sieve, but he promises that not a grain will fall to the ground. This sifting process can be difficult, but God preserves and protects us in the midst of trials. Let us also remember Jesus' words to Peter in Luke 22:31, where he warns him about Satan's intention to sift him like wheat. But Jesus intercedes for Peter, just as he intercedes for each of us, so that our faith does not fail in the midst of trials. Let us continue to strengthen ourselves in the Lord and trust in his protection during times of shaking. What a blessing to know that God sustains and preserves us in the midst of adversity! Amen!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Know my LORD that I am always protected by your powerful hand. Hallelujah.
What a beautiful statement of trust and gratitude that Enrique Meneses Muñoz shares in his comment. It is comforting to remember that, as Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, we are protected by the powerful hand of God during times of shaking. In Amos 9:9 we are assured that just as grain does not fall to the ground in the midst of sifting, so we will not fall or be abandoned by our Lord. May the certainty of being under divine protection fill us with peace and confidence in the midst of any circumstance. As Enrique mentions, let us praise the Lord for his faithfulness and his constant care for us. Hallelujah for the security we find in the powerful hand of God! May this conviction encourage us to continue trusting Him at all times. Glory to God for his unwavering love and protection! Hallelujah!
Francisco Diaz S.: We must cling to Christ Jesus who will protect us and deliver us from all temptation and all evil. - Jesus Christ is my savior.
What a beautiful exhortation Francisco Díaz S. shares with us in his comment. It is essential to remember that our refuge and strength are found in Christ Jesus, who protects us and delivers us from all temptation and evil. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, in Luke 22:31 we see how Jesus intercedes for his disciples, ensuring that they do not fall into the midst of the shaking caused by Satan. By clinging to Jesus Christ as our Savior and protector, we find the security and comfort we need in the midst of trials and difficulties. His love and power are our shields against any enemy siege. May faith in Christ sustain and guide us at all times, reminding us that in Him we find true protection. Let us glorify Jesus Christ, our Savior and protector! May your love and grace be with us always! Amen!
Claudia Olvera : Very good reflection, We must be firm in Christ, so as not to fall into the provocations of the enemy or our own flesh, God is our present help, refuge and strength, for the time of trial (shaking). Thanks and blessings
What a beautiful message Claudia Olvera shares with us in her reflection. It is vital to remain firm in Christ so as not to succumb to the provocations of the enemy or our own sinful nature, as you mention in your comment. As Charles Spurgeon teaches us in his devotional, in Amos 9:9 we see that God shakes his people but promises that none will fall to the ground. God is our very present help, refuge and strength in the midst of trials and shaking. In Him we find the necessary support to remain firm and persevere in faith. May trust in the Lord inspire us to seek refuge in Him at all times, knowing that His protection and love sustain us. Let us gratefully accept his constant care and continue to trust in his faithfulness. Blessings and strength in Christ to Claudia and all who stand firm in Him! Glory to God for his unfailing love!
Ruth Vives.: The Christian maintains the strength of his faith in God in all difficulties to continue on the path with him. God bless you. Amen.
What a beautiful exhortation Ruth Vives shares with us in her comment. It is essential to remember that as Christians we must maintain the strength of our faith in God in the midst of all difficulties, as he mentioned in his reflection. In Luke 22:31, we see how Jesus warns Peter about the trials that would come, but also intercedes for him so that his faith does not fail. It is in moments of difficulty and shaking that our faith is strengthened and we grow in intimacy with God. May the strength of faith in the Lord drive us to continue on the path with Him, trusting in His power and faithfulness. May God bless and strengthen Ruth and all who face challenges, so that they may continue steadfast in their walk with the Lord. Amen! May the strength of faith sustain and guide us at all times! Blessings and strength on the path with God!
Iris Rojas: Excellent!! Glory to God, who at all times and by all means exhorts us to live a life in Christ, outside of Him, we are at the expense of the enemy who walks like a roaring lion trying to devour the children of God. Thanks for these reflections. Blessings.
What a beautiful comment Iris Rojas shares with us. It is true that Glory to God, who constantly exhorts us to live a life in Christ, as mentioned. In 1 Peter 5:8, we are warned about the reality of the enemy who seeks to devour us, but we are also encouraged to be alert and firm in faith. It is in Christ where we find refuge and protection against the attacks of the enemy. May Iris' reflection remind us of the importance of staying close to God, trusting in his strength and direction at all times. Let us thank God for his constant care and exhortation to live in Christ. Blessings and strength to Iris and all the children of God who seek to follow Him faithfully! May the presence and protection of God always accompany us! Amen!
Patricia Pinzón: Allow us, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, not to be afraid, on the contrary, to obey your order to be strong and brave, knowing that You are with us all the days of our lives; considering ourselves joyful and privileged when we go through various trials, strengthened in Your Word, may the joy of the LORD be our strength. Constant firmness without fainting. Not asking that you take away the test from us because this will be necessary to prove our true FAITH and trust in You, to be a testimony and strength for others who know You and achieve Salvation, of Your glory and power in this vine; those grains being transformed, prepared and ready for the soon coming of Your Beloved Son Our LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST; clean of all impurity, of everything that would not allow us to be approved, fit, worthy to enter and be before the Glory and Eternal presence of the LORD! JAMES 1:2-4, ISAIAH 43:2. JOSUE 1: 9. A hug, GOD bless us!
What a powerful prayer Patricia Pinzón shares with us in her comment. It is inspiring to see their deep trust in God and their desire to remain strong and courageous in the midst of trials. As mentioned, in James 1:2-4 we are invited to consider it a joy when we face various trials, knowing that they strengthen our faith and prepare us for a greater purpose in God's work. It is comforting to remember that, as he mentions in his reflection, God is with us at all times, strengthening us through his Word and being our strength in the midst of difficulties. May Patricia's courage and faith inspire many to trust in God's faithfulness and to remain firm in his path. May your testimony be a light for those who seek truth and salvation in Christ. May God bless Patricia abundantly and fill her with his grace and strength. May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen you at all times! Amen!