The Lord cares for the humble but looks at the haughty from afar

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Luke chapter 8 features two contrasting characters - Jairo, a religious leader with power and influence, and a woman with a flow of blood, who is anonymous and marginalized. This contrast teaches us that God deals equally with both the rich and the poor and that the attitude of the heart, not external conditions, affects God's response to us. Both Jairo and the woman humble themselves before Jesus and recognize His power and grace, which inspires Him to respond to their needs. This passage invites us to check our hearts and approach the Lord with humility and faith.

Luke chapter 8 presents us with two very interesting characters. One of them Jairo, the principal of the synagogue, and the other, this woman with the flow that touched Jesus' robe. These two characters offer a very interesting human contrast that reveals something about the personality, about the Ministry, and about the Power and life of Jesus Christ, and that also helps us to better understand how to be effective in our approaches and our prayers to the Lord. Lord when we are in need.

This is one of the important aspects of texts like this. One always asks or must ask: Why did the Holy Spirit decide that these events in the life of Jesus Christ were important to record? so that they would remain for all the centuries for the edification of all the believers.

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