God speaks today Wednesday | October 18, 2023

If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles. (Job 22:23)
Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. (2 Timothy 2:19)
Charles Spurgeon

You cannot oppose God and prosper

If sin has caused you to fall and lose everything, return to the Lord with regret and faith. Only He can restore you. Don't delay, confess and have humble faith. The promise is that you will be "edified". Read more...

Cross Reference

I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. (John 10:14)
But if any man love God, the same is known of him. (1 Corinthians 8:3)
Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. (1 John 3:7)
And he spake unto Korah and unto all his company, saying, Even to morrow the LORD will show who are his, and who is holy; and will cause him to come near unto him: even him whom he hath chosen will he cause to come near unto him. (Numbers 16:5)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : GOD restores me every day from my sins.
What a beautiful truth, Enrique! God is faithful to restore and build us up when we repent of our sins and return to Him. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, it is our duty and wisdom to return to the Lord when we find ourselves in ruins because of our transgressions. He is powerful to lift us up and restore us. The verse from Job 22:23 encourages us to return to the Almighty to be restored, while the verse from 2 Timothy 2:19 reminds us that God's foundation remains firm and that we must turn away from iniquity. By mentioning the name of the Lord, it is essential that we turn away from injustice and live in obedience to His Word. Enrique, it is wonderful that you experience God's restoration in your life every day. May you continue to seek His forgiveness and grace, and may He continue to build you up in your walk with Him. Blessings!
Luisa Fernanda Gutierrez : The gift of salvation is free and it is so wonderful that it is a decision, you choose the Lord every day and you choose to love and respect him; Here lies the truth of our salvation, not only in the one who God the Father chose us, but also that we choose Him. God has no choice but to love, but we are free since he himself was the one who gave us this freedom and It can be our salvation or our damnation. Let us always choose God and his justice and we will be truly free in this world, which has such a complex freedom that it makes us prisoners and slaves of our own lives and sins.
Amen, Luisa Fernanda. You have beautifully expressed the truth of our salvation and the importance of choosing God each day. As you mention, the gift of salvation is free and wonderful, but it also involves a personal decision to love and respect the Lord. It is true that God has given each of us the freedom of choice, and it is our responsibility to choose to follow God and live in His righteousness. As Charles Spurgeon says in his devotional, it is our duty and wisdom to return to the Lord, since we cannot oppose Him and prosper. By choosing God, we find true freedom in this world, which often traps and enslaves us with its sins and complexities. May we continue to choose God every day and seek His justice, to fully experience the freedom He offers us. May God bless you in your walk with Him, Luisa Fernanda!
Mercedes Silva : This Word blesses my life like each one of those that you send to us daily. Thank you
Thank you for your words, Mercedes! We are glad to know that the Word of God and the reflections we share bless you. It is a privilege to be an instrument of inspiration and edification in your life. The Word of God is powerful and transformative, and it fills us with gratitude to be able to share it with you. It is our hope that each day you find encouragement, strength and direction in His Word. May the Lord continue to bless your life abundantly through His Word and may you continue to grow in your relationship with Him. Thank you for your support and may God keep you always!
Aleida Lora: Thank you Lord, because you sent your word to me again and I am happy. The mail hasn't arrived in a long time and I missed it so much. Blessings in the name of Jesus. Amen
Aleida, what a joy to know that you have received the Word again and that it has brought you happiness! We are very happy to be in contact with you through these messages. Sometimes the absence of God's Word can leave a void in our hearts, but when it returns to our lives, we experience renewal and special joy. May the Word of God continue to be a source of blessing and guidance in your life. May the name of Jesus be exalted at all times and may His blessing always accompany you. Thank you for your comment and may the Lord keep you and take care of you! Amen.
Francisco Diaz S.: The whirlwind of our youth intoxicates us and makes us think that we are powerful and eternal, that we can do everything and achieve everything, but as the years go by, when we have been spoiled by that whirlwind of folly, we realize that in God and only Our refuge is in God.- Time and events make us wise.
You are absolutely right, Francisco. In our youth, we sometimes feel invincible and believe that we can achieve everything on our own. But as the years go by and we experience the consequences of our reckless decisions, we realize our fragility and need for refuge in God. As you mention, the passage of time and the events of life give us wisdom. We learn that only in God do we find true strength and protection. He is our safe refuge, whom we can trust at all times. May each experience and lesson bring us closer to God and make us seek refuge in Him. May His wisdom guide us in every step we take. Thank you for sharing your reflection, Francisco! May God bless you abundantly.