God speaks today Tuesday | July 4, 2023

And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness. (Genesis 15:6)
And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief. (Matthew 13:58)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

You have to believe for the power of God to manifest

A receptive posture and supernatural mentality are required for the Holy Spirit to operate freely in us. We must believe that God is who the Bible says He is and rewards those who actively seek His miracles and interventions. Incredulity and theological subtlety can hinder the free flow of divine energy, but where there is a people of faith and leaders who believe in God, there is an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to speak and act. Read more...

Cross Reference

And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. (James 2:23)
Cometh this blessedness then upon the circumcision only, or upon the uncircumcision also? for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness. (Romans 4:9)
For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. (Romans 4:3)
Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. (Galatians 3:6)


Freddy Pinto : All the studies are very interesting. To learn to live a life of Faith Believing in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, understanding that communication with Him is Supernatural, Spiritual and Personal
Thank you Freddy for your comment. It is true that in order to live a life of faith, it is essential to believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, "a supernatural mentality is required as a previously established platform, so that God can carry out his supernatural operations on it" (You have to believe for the power of God to manifest itself). Communication with God is supernatural, spiritual and personal. As the verse in Genesis 15:6 tells us, "And Abram believed in the LORD, and He credited him for righteousness." This shows us how faith in God is a fundamental requirement for Him to manifest in our lives. It is important to remember that unbelief can hinder the flow of divine power, as mentioned in Matthew 13:58, where Jesus was unable to perform many miracles due to people's unbelief. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a mindset of faith and believe that God continues to speak and act supernaturally in our times. May you continue to learn and grow in your life of faith!
Pastor julio De leon: Every word day by day encourages us to continue believing more strongly, thanks for letting me use.
Thank you, Pastor Julio, for your comment. It is inspiring to see how every day the words of God's Word impel us to continue believing with more force. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, "it is necessary to believe that He rewards with success and victory those who actively seek his miracles and interventions" (You have to believe for the power of God to manifest itself). It is wonderful to have the opportunity to use our lives as instruments in the hands of God. As the devotional mentions, when there is a people of faith and leaders who believe in God and believe God, there is an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to speak and act (You have to believe for the power of God to manifest). May you continue to be an instrument of faith and may your conviction in the supernatural power of God continue to grow every day. May God bless you and guide you in your ministry!
Francisco Diaz S.: I believe in Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ his only son who came to redeem us.- Hallelujah
Amen, Francis. Believing in Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ as his only redeeming son, is fundamental in our life of faith. As Dr. Roberto Miranda reminds us in his devotional, it is necessary to believe in God and in his ability to intervene in our lives in a supernatural way (You have to believe for the power of God to manifest itself). It is wonderful that you maintain that conviction and praise God with a Hallelujah! His love and power are ever present to guide, protect, and redeem us. May your faith and worship of God continue to grow each day, and may you experience his power and grace in your life. God bless you and strengthen you in your walk of faith!
Sabino Marroquín López.: The life, the miracles, the pation, the death and the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, make me believe and understand that: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit live forever, amen.
Amen Sabine. The life, miracles, passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ are fundamental to our faith. As you mention, through these events, we can understand and believe in the eternal existence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As Dr. Roberto Miranda teaches us in his devotional, it is necessary to believe in God and in his power manifested through the Holy Spirit (You have to believe for the power of God to manifest itself). The resurrection of Jesus Christ assures us that eternal life is possible and that divine power is present in our lives. Let us continue to believe and trust in the Trinity, knowing that his love and grace are always with us. May this conviction strengthen your faith and inspire you to live a life in communion with God. May God bless you and guide you in your walk of faith!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : I thank you for your word my LORD
You're welcome, Henry. It is a privilege to be able to share the word of God with you. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, it is important to have a position of receptivity and openness to the interventions of the Holy Spirit so that God can fulfill his purposes in us (You have to believe for the power of God to manifest). Let us thank the Lord for his word and his constant love towards us. His word is life and guide for our lives. Let us continue to seek his will and trust in his power and faithfulness. May the word of God continue to bless your life and strengthen you in your relationship with Him. May God bless you abundantly!
Gustavo Martinez Afanador : The power of faith and prayer and gives us the strength we need to be able to believe, that in CHRIST we are more than winners and makes us stand firm and without fear for all the battles that come our way, put our trust in the HOLY SPIRIT it helps us. Blessings
Amen, Gustavo. Faith and prayer are truly powerful in our lives as believers. As you mention, in Christ we are more than conquerors and we can face any battle with confidence and without fear. Dr. Roberto Miranda also highlights the importance of believing in God and in his ability to intervene in our lives through the Holy Spirit (You have to believe for the power of God to manifest itself). It is wonderful to know that we have the help of the Holy Spirit in our walk of faith. His guidance, strength and comfort sustain us in times of difficulty. Let's keep putting our trust in Him and depending on His power to overcome any obstacle. May faith and trust in God continue to strengthen you, and may you experience the blessings and favor of the Lord in your life. May God bless you abundantly, brother!
Alba Fuentes : Thank you for the meditation, as it helps me to believe to receive the promises that God has for me.
You're welcome, Alba. We are glad to know that meditation has been helpful to you and has strengthened your faith. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, it is necessary to believe in order to receive the promises that God has for us (You have to believe for the power of God to manifest itself). It is wonderful to know that we can trust God's promises and that He fulfills what He has said. Let us continue to believe in his faithfulness and in his ability to work in our lives. Keep your heart open and receptive to the interventions of the Holy Spirit, who will guide you and help you receive the blessings and promises that God has prepared for you. May faith continue to grow in your life and may you experience the wonderful promises of God in your daily walk. God bless you abundantly and hold you in his love!
Rodolfo Quiros Ramirez : I believe that the Lord God Almighty is our shield and strength. Thanks to your grace. We are made children of God. To him be all the honor and glory forever and ever, Amen and Amen. Blessings brothers in Christ Jesus.
Amen, Rodolfo. What a beautiful statement of faith. True, the Lord God Almighty is our shield and strength. Through his grace, we are made children of God and can trust in his love and protection. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, it is necessary to believe in God and in his ability to intervene in our lives (You have to believe for the power of God to manifest itself). We surrender all the honor and glory to our God for his greatness and inexhaustible love. May his blessing and presence continue to accompany you and strengthen your faith in Christ Jesus. May his grace inspire you to live in communion with him and to share his love with others. May God richly bless you and keep you always in his loving care!
Luis Enrique González : They did not come to me again, the daily word is building my life, blessings
Luis Enrique, I am sorry to hear that you have not been receiving the daily word that so edifies your life. It is important to be able to nourish ourselves daily from the Word of God to strengthen our faith and spiritual growth. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, faith and belief in God are fundamental to experience His power in our lives (Hay que creer para que el poder de Dios se manifieso). May this setback not discourage you, but rather motivate you to seek the Word of God in other means or to establish a routine of reading and personal reflection in the Bible. May faith in God prompt you to trust that He will guide your steps and supply all your needs in His perfect time. May the word of God continue to be a source of strength and comfort in your life, and may you find a way to continue feeding your spirit with His truth and love. God bless you and fill you with His peace!