You have to believe for the power of God to manifest

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: A receptive posture and supernatural mentality are required for the Holy Spirit to operate freely in us. We must believe that God is who the Bible says He is and rewards those who actively seek His miracles and interventions. Incredulity and theological subtlety can hinder the free flow of divine energy, but where there is a people of faith and leaders who believe in God, there is an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to speak and act.

A receptive posture is required, an openness to the interventions of the Spirit, so that God can fulfill his purposes in us. As we have insisted previously, a people is required to believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for all times, for now and here. We must previously believe that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, so that his Spirit can operate freely in us. A supernatural mentality is required as a previously established platform, so that God can carry out his supernatural operations on it.

In the famous chapter on faith in Hebrews 11, the Bible says that "he who draws near to God must believe that there is him, and that he rewards those who seek him" (He 11: 6). In other words, if we are going to seek a miracle from God, we better be sure that He is who the Bible says He is. It is necessary to believe that He rewards with success and victory those who actively seek His miracles and interventions.

If in a church or community it is not believed that God still speaks in a supernatural and personal way, as the Scriptures show, most likely God is not going to speak. In Matthew 13:58 we are taught that Jesus did not perform many miracles among the Nazarenes because of their unbelief. You probably had to limit yourself to a few minor interventions! Jesus' countrymen were not able to believe that that little boy they had seen running barefoot through the streets of Nazareth a few years ago was, in fact, the Son of God. His inability to adjust his mental model of Jesus, his failed thought patterns, prevented the power in him from flowing freely.

This incredulity of so many evangelicals, who sometimes masquerades as complexity and theological subtlety, will sooner or later grieve the Spirit, and stagnate the free flow of divine energy.

But where there is a people of faith like those men and women who believed God that we see recorded in the famous chapter 11 of Hebrews, where there is a leader or leaders who believe in God and believe God, there is an opportunity for the Spirit to Santo speak and act.

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