Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana
Acuérdate de Jesucristo, resucitado de entre los muertos, descendiente de David, conforme a mi evangelio, (2 Timothy 2:8)
por el cual sufro penalidades, hasta el encarcelamiento como un malhechor. Pero la palabra de Dios no está presa. (2 Timothy 2:9)
Por tanto, todo lo soporto por amor a los escogidos, para que también ellos obtengan la salvación que está en Cristo Jesús, y con ella gloria eterna. (2 Timothy 2:10)
Palabra fiel es ésta : Que si morimos con El, también viviremos con El;
Si perseveramos, también reinaremos con El; Si Lo negamos, El también nos negará; (2 Timothy 2:12)
Si somos infieles (incrédulos), El permanece fiel, pues no puede negarse El mismo. (2 Timothy 2:13)
Recuérdales esto, encargándoles solemnemente en la presencia de Dios, que no discutan sobre palabras, lo cual para nada aprovecha y lleva a los oyentes a la ruina. (2 Timothy 2:14)

Other publications related to "2 Timothy 2:11":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Resurrections cost
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the cost of living in the power of the resurrection as described by Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:13-11. He emphasizes the importance of sacrificing and dedicating oneself to the Lord in order to experience the power of the resurrection and achieve spiritual growth and victory in the Christian life.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life
Dr. Roberto Miranda speaks about the importance of believing in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and following him in the Christian career. He emphasizes the power of belief, the blessings it brings, and encourages new believers to grow in their faith.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
unexpected crucifixions
The article by Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses how Gods plan for our lives may involve unexpected crucifixions and how we should stay in faith and share our experiences with others

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Mark 16:1-8
The author discusses the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and how believers can live in the power of the resurrection.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The blessing behind the test
In this sermon, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the blessing behind the test and how trials can result in blessings and growth if we trust in God and hold on to Him. He emphasizes the importance of having an expectation of victory in all tribulations and seeking joy in the midst of difficulties. The ultimate expert in suffering and trials is Jesus Christ.

Resurrection (John 11)
The article discusses the importance of developing a personal relationship with Jesus and cultivating it every day of our lives. It emphasizes the power of prayer and the significance of the resurrection of Jesus in our lives. The article also encourages a shift in perspective towards a Christian perspective of life and death, where Christians should not fear death because in Christ there is only life. The article ends with an invitation to establish a relationship with Jesus and live a victorious life.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
I know that my redeemer lives
In this sermon, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the concept of a redeemer as seen in the story of Job in the Bible, emphasizing that Jesus is our redeemer and encouraging listeners to confess Jesus as their Lord and savior. He also discusses the importance of believing in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and eternal life.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
When the test comes, don't be surprised
Learn how to face trials and difficulties in life with faith and trust in Gods love and faithfulness.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
But Christ lives in me
Learn about the importance of dying to our old selves and allowing Christ to live in us for transformation. Author: Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
You have power - use it!
The importance of actively proclaiming the Gospel and living a victorious life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Encouraging Christians to not be ashamed to announce Jesus and to find creative ways to do so. The speaker emphasizes the power of the Holy Spirit within us and the implications of the resurrection of Jesus in our daily lives.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The psychic, emotional and psychological pain of Jesus
The article discusses the psychic, emotional and psychological pain experienced by Jesus during his life and culminating in his crucifixion. The importance of worship and giving glory and honor to God is emphasized.

Andrés Cisterna
You will be my witnesses
The speaker discusses the importance of preaching the Gospel and being a witness for Christ in a world that is lost and dying without salvation.

Omar Soto
Make God's love known at the moment He gives you the opportunity
Encouragement to remember Jesus teachings and be salt and light to the world.

Isaías Rivera
Take care that no one captivates you with a vain and deceitful philosophy
Pauls warning to the Church in Colossae about being deceived by vain and deceitful philosophies and traditions that dismantle the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the importance of living a free life in Christ through the forgiveness of sins and the power of the cross.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Called to know the Lord in his sufferings
The article discusses the price and process of Jesus sacrifice on the cross for the salvation of humanity and emphasizes the importance of recognizing our sins and seeking forgiveness through Jesus sacrifice. The speaker also preaches about the authority of Jesus Christ and the filling of the Holy Spirit.

Jorge Najarro
Freed to carry the cross together
The speaker shares his personal experience of how God changed his life and the importance of the church taking responsibility for its problems and working together in unity.

Charles Spurgeon
Our Lord Jesus looks at those who look at Him
A reflection on Jesus death as a substitutionary sacrifice for our sins and how His life is continued through believers.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
A reflection on the Christian concept of being reborn and living a new life in Christ.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Galatians 2:20
The speaker reflects on his recent visit to Medellín, Colombia, and emphasizes the need for spiritual healing and support in Latin American cities. He discusses the importance of dying to self and living only for Jesus Christ, giving everything to Him so that He can use us to bear much fruit. The speaker encourages the congregation to make this commitment and to understand the true meaning of baptism.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
I am Pedro
The sermon discusses Peters denial of Jesus and the importance of honoring and loving God. It also emphasizes the need for seeking the Holy Spirit and living a life of consecration and prayer. The sermon ends with a prayer for forgiveness and a commitment to radical commitment to God.

2 Timothy 2:11 - Cross Reference

Llevamos siempre en el cuerpo por todas partes la muerte de Jesús, para que también la vida de Jesús se manifieste en nuestro cuerpo. (2 Corinthians 4:10)
Y si hemos muerto con Cristo, creemos que también viviremos con El, (Romans 6:8)
Entonces nosotros, los que estemos vivos y que permanezcamos, seremos arrebatados juntamente con ellos en las nubes al encuentro del Señor en el aire, y así estaremos con el Señor siempre. (1 Thessalonians 4:17)
que murió por nosotros, para que ya sea que estemos despiertos o dormidos, vivamos junto con El. (1 Thessalonians 5:10)
Palabra fiel es ésta : si alguien aspira al cargo de obispo (supervisor), buena obra desea hacer. (1 Timothy 3:1)
Un poco más de tiempo y el mundo no Me verá más, pero ustedes Me verán; porque Yo vivo, ustedes también vivirán. (John 14:19)
Porque ustedes han muerto, y su vida está escondida con Cristo en Dios. (Colossians 3:3)
Porque si hemos sido unidos a Cristo en la semejanza de Su muerte, ciertamente lo seremos también en la semejanza de Su resurrección. (Romans 6:5)
Palabra fiel y digna de ser aceptada por todos: Cristo Jesús vino al mundo para salvar a los pecadores, entre los cuales yo soy el primero. (1 Timothy 1:15)
Porque ciertamente El fue crucificado por debilidad, pero vive por el poder de Dios. Así también nosotros somos débiles en El, sin embargo, viviremos con El por el poder de Dios para con ustedes. (2 Corinthians 13:4)
Pues mediante la Ley yo morí a la Ley, a fin de vivir para Dios. (Galatians 2:19)
Palabra fiel es ésta ; y en cuanto a estas cosas quiero que hables con firmeza (confianza), para que los que han creído en Dios procuren ocuparse en buenas obras. Estas cosas son buenas y útiles para los hombres. (Titus 3:8)