Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana
Aparta de mí Tu mirada, para poder alegrarme Antes de que me vaya de aquí y ya no exista." (Psalm 39:13)
Para el director del coro. Salmo de David. Esperé pacientemente al SEÑOR, Y El se inclinó a mí y oyó mi clamor. (Psalm 40:1)
Me sacó del hoyo de la destrucción, del lodo cenagoso; Asentó mis pies sobre una roca y afirmó mis pasos. (Psalm 40:2)
Puso en mi boca un cántico nuevo, un canto de alabanza a nuestro Dios. Muchos verán esto, y temerán Y confiarán en el SEÑOR.
Cuán bienaventurado es el hombre que ha puesto en el SEÑOR su confianza, Y no se ha vuelto a los soberbios ni a los que caen en falsedad. (Psalm 40:4)
Muchas son, SEÑOR, Dios mío, las maravillas que Tú has hecho, Y muchos Tus designios para con nosotros; Nadie hay que se compare contigo; Si los anunciara, y hablara de ellos, No podrían ser enumerados. (Psalm 40:5)
Sacrificio y ofrenda de cereal no has deseado; Me has abierto los oídos; Holocausto y ofrenda por el pecado no has pedido. (Psalm 40:6)

Other publications related to "Psalm 40:3":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Wait patiently for the Lord
An article about Jobs declaration of faith and perseverance through suffering, and the blessings that come from waiting patiently for the Lord.

Omar Soto
Even when?
The importance of having faith and seeking Gods favor in difficult situations is discussed in this article, along with a personal testimony of receiving confirmation from God.

Charles Spurgeon
I will not abandon you, nor will I leave you
A reflection on Davids words and the Lords past mercies, encouraging readers to have confidence and courage in times of trouble.

Omar Soto
The prayer that nourishes our trust in God
Learn about the prayer that nourishes trust in God during difficult times and how to seek guidance through resources like the Bible and prayer.

Charles Spurgeon
The consolations of the Lord
An article about finding comfort in the Lords grace and expressing praise through music

Omar Soto
Give thanks for God's mercy in the desert
Reflecting on Davids words in Psalm 63 about his thirst for Gods mercy and longing to see His power and glory, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
We can rejoice that we are a blessed people
In this sermon, Dr. Roberto Miranda reflects on Psalm 103, encouraging listeners to remember Gods blessings, confess their sins, trust in Gods healing power, expect blessings, and seek prayer and deliverance.

Isaías Rivera
Where does my help come from?
Where does my help come from? - An article about finding strength in God during difficult times by Isaías Rivera

Samuel Acevedo
My God, why have you forsaken me?
The article discusses the concept of divine discomfort and how to deal with feeling abandoned by God. It emphasizes the importance of sending prayers and being attentive to signs from God amidst difficult situations.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
My God is hope
A reflection on finding hope in Gods timing and putting our trust in His word.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
God always has a way out
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda talks about how God always has a way out for us, even in difficult situations. He emphasizes the importance of believing in God and never giving up, and how this applies to all dimensions of our lives.

Marta Ramirez
In the worst moments of life God speaks a second time
The speaker shares a dream and discusses Jeremiah 33:1-9, encouraging listeners to trust in God and wait for His timing to bring healing and restoration.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
God will always bring you out of Sheol
Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses how God promises to bring us out of Sheol and not allow us to experience corruption, and how we can turn trials and difficulties into material for growth and blessing. He emphasizes the importance of continuous revival and trusting in Gods rescue.

Lilian Gutierrez
Those who wait for Jehovah will have new strength
The article discusses the importance of waiting for Jehovah and relying on Gods strength during tough times. It emphasizes the power and love of God and encourages listeners to have faith and trust in His promises.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
God blesses the one who waits in Him
Learn to wait and trust in Gods plans for your life. Impatience can lead to despair, but waiting on God brings hope and blessings. Surrender to God and find joy and peace in His salvation.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
My god is deliverer
A reflection on true freedom and deliverance through faith in Christ, warning against false teachers and human traditions for salvation.

Milagros García Klibansky
My god is holy
An article about the authors reflections on Psalm 89 and the overwhelming holiness of God.

Omar Soto
After you've suffered a little while...
A message of encouragement and hope for Christians who are suffering, reminding them of Gods presence and support, and the role of suffering in maturing ones faith.

Nancy G. Marquez
Satisfied in God
Explore Nancy G. Marquezs article on finding satisfaction in God and Davids prayer for protection and righteousness.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
My God is provider
In this article, Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas discusses how recognizing the Lord as our shepherd and provider can be difficult in a culture of eagerness and self-sufficiency. However, he reminds us of Gods promise to supply all our needs and be a close and personal presence in our lives, and how recognizing Jesus as our Lord and Savior allows us to experience the overflowing love and mercy of God.

Psalm 40:3 - Cross Reference

Canten de júbilo y regocíjense los que favorecen mi causa; Y digan continuamente: "Engrandecido sea el SEÑOR, Que se deleita en la paz de Su siervo." (Psalm 35:27)
Cántenle cántico nuevo; Tañan con arte, con voz de júbilo. (Psalm 33:3)
Oh Dios, un cántico nuevo Te cantaré; Con arpa de diez cuerdas cantaré alabanzas a Ti, (Psalm 144:9)
Entonces todos los hombres temerán, Declararán la obra de Dios Y considerarán sus hechos. (Psalm 64:9)
Saca mi alma de la prisión, Para que yo dé gracias a Tu nombre; Los justos me rodearán, Porque Tú me colmarás de bendiciones." (Psalm 142:7)
miró hacia el futuro y habló de la resurrección de Cristo (el Mesías), que NI FUE ABANDONADO EN EL HADES (región de los muertos), NI Su carne SUFRIO CORRUPCION. (Acts 2:31)
Después los Israelitas volverán y buscarán al SEÑOR su Dios y a David su rey; y acudirán temblorosos al SEÑOR y a Su bondad en los últimos días. (Hosea 3:5)
Pero muchos de los que habían oído el mensaje (la palabra) creyeron, llegando el número de los hombres como a 5,000. (Acts 4:4)
Salmo de David. Bendice, alma mía, al SEÑOR, Y bendiga todo mi ser Su santo nombre. (Psalm 103:1)
Y cantaban un cántico nuevo delante del trono y delante de los cuatro seres vivientes y de los ancianos. Nadie podía aprender el cántico, sino los 144,000 que habían sido rescatados (comprados) de la tierra. (Revelation 14:3)
Salmo de David cuando se fingió loco delante de Abimelec, quien lo echó, y él se fue. Bendeciré al SEÑOR en todo tiempo; Continuamente estará Su alabanza en mi boca. (Psalm 34:1)
Y en aquel día dirás: "Te doy gracias, oh SEÑOR, Porque aunque estabas enojado conmigo, Tu ira se ha apartado Y me has consolado. (Isaiah 12:1)
Los justos verán esto y temerán, Y se reirán de él, diciendo: (Psalm 52:6)
Y cantaban un cántico nuevo, diciendo: "Digno eres de tomar el libro y de abrir sus sellos, porque Tú fuiste inmolado, y con Tu sangre compraste (redimiste) para Dios a gente de toda tribu, lengua, pueblo y nación. (Revelation 5:9)