God will always bring you out of Sheol

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The Psalmist in Psalm 16 says that God will not leave our souls in Sheol and will not allow His saints to see corruption. This promise is not just limited to physical resurrection but also applies to the periods of death and decay we experience in our lives. We all go through times of difficulty and disappointment, but God wants us to renew ourselves every day and rise up like eagles. Trials and difficulties come to discipline and disciple us, and God is committed to getting us out of Sheol and not allowing us to experience corruption. As we live in a fallen world, we will experience decay and corruption, but we can turn these experiences into material for greater growth and blessing. God's law for us is perpetual resurrection and renewal.

The world is corrupted, but God wants to renew us every day. We must commit ourselves to continuous revival and be better, stronger, and more like Christ every day. The Word of the Lord promises that the life of the just will flourish and prosper. We must fill our hearts with expectation and hope, knowing that God will rescue us from Sheol and bring us out of the tunnel. We must wait patiently for the Lord and trust in Him.

In the spirit of Easter Sunday, I want to share with you this thought: the God who does not let us remain in Sheol, the God who does not allow His saints to see corruption, as the Psalmist says, in Psalm 16 there are some verses I want to share with you. The Psalmist says in verse 7: "I will bless the Lord who advises me, even at night my conscience teaches me. I have always set the Lord before me, and because He is at my right hand I will not be moved" and now I want to direct his Mind these next few verses, the two verses.

"Therefore my heart rejoices and my soul rejoices, and my flesh also will rest safely, for you will not leave my soul in Sheol, nor will you allow Your holy one to see corruption." That is the Lord's promise to you and me, the Lord will not allow my soul to remain in Sheol, nor will He allow His saint, put your name there, to see corruption.

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