God calls you to a deep sanctification process

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The story of miraculous fishing and Peter's call to ministry teaches us about three spiritual positions in our relationship with God and the world. Firstly, we must separate ourselves from the world and seek times of retreat to deepen our relationship with God. Secondly, we must go deeper and surrender completely to God, allowing Him to sanctify us through a process of brokenness and exposure to the cross. Finally, we must go out to sea with God, reaching a level of complete surrender and submission to His will, where we can see His glory in a more powerful way. This process of growth and service requires a willingness to give everything to God and to be used by Him in miraculous ways.

Since Peter's boat is in three positions, we too can assume three spiritual positions with respect to the world and with respect to God. At the beginning of the narrative, the boat is on the shore itself, it is where the crowd is with all its needs and all its pressing situations. After that the Lord says to Peter: Peter, move the boat a little so that I can separate myself from the crowd and head towards it. And finally, when the Lord finishes addressing the crowd, he asks Peter to row out to sea, to enter the boat at a level that is still further from the shore, and in that position of rowing out to sea, the Lord shows him his Glory to Pedro and his companions.

He shows his divinity, he shows them a supernatural dimension, he teaches them that He is something much more than just any rabbi, He is God Himself, capable of doing miracles that no other human being can do. you will find it on the shore. For us to be used by God we have to separate ourselves from the shore.

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