God can change your category

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Luke chapter 5, Peter allows Jesus to use his boat despite his own failure in fishing. Jesus sees Peter's need and blesses him with a miraculous catch of fish and shows him His Glory. By putting our resources at God's disposal and prioritizing His Kingdom, He can change our category, bless us materially, and let us see His Glory in our lives. Peter went from a fisherman to an apostle of the Kingdom of God, and the same transformation can happen to us if we serve Him.

When Peter agrees to give his boat to the Lord, something happens in his life. There is a transformation, there is a change of category, there is an even material blessing that comes to the life of this humble fisherman. How important it is that we give our life and our resources to the Lord.

Do you know that the Lord Jesus Christ undoubtedly had a clear conscience of Peter's condition when he asked him to let him use his boat? The Lord Jesus Christ knew that Peter had been trying to fish all night and that he had not caught a single fish, and in passing I tell you that we are discussing the passage found in Luke chapter 5 if you want to follow it with me.

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