The consequences of being unbelieving and doubting the Word of God

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: God is going to bring a powerful move of the Holy Spirit that will end the spiritual drought in the nations. However, there will be some who doubt and resist this move, just like the prince who questioned Elisha's prophecy. The Church must be careful not to fall into unbelief and resist God's move. There will be two types of churches: one filled with the Holy Spirit and power, and another apostate and incredulous. Individuals must also be obedient to God's call and not doubt His Word. We must prepare ourselves for the coming move of God and be ready to receive it.

Practically overnight we are going to see a powerful move of God and this spiritual drought that we see in the nations, is going to turn into a great rain and a great visitation of the power of God that is going to fall on our societies. < ! - break ->

And it is interesting that the prophet Elisha when he makes this declaration that tomorrow there will be flour and there will be food for everyone there is a prince who reacts in a terribly incredulous way. It says in verse 2 of chapter 7: "A prince on whose arm the King leaned answered the man of God saying: If the Lord now made windows in heaven, would this be so? And he said: behold, you will see it with your eyes but you will not eat of it. "

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