I am Jehovah Rafa, your healer

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The speaker encourages the congregation to attend a health service that will focus specifically on seeking the healing and miraculous anointing of God. He reminds them that healing is their inheritance through Christ Jesus, and that the Christian life is one of abundance and prosperity. He urges them to have faith and trust in God's power to provide for their needs, even if they do not have the resources themselves. The speaker emphasizes the importance of obeying God's commandments in order to receive His blessings and prosperity, and cites Deuteronomy 7 as an example of this principle. He concludes by encouraging the congregation to keep their part of the covenant with God, so that He may keep His part and bless them abundantly.

The speaker discusses the importance of consecrating oneself to God and keeping His commandments to receive blessings and healing. He cites various passages from the Bible, including Exodus 15 and Isaiah 53, that promise healing and health to those who follow God's will. The speaker encourages believers to fill their minds with positive images and expectations of health and prosperity, and to get behind Jesus and His work on the Cross to live a more blessed and prosperous life. The speaker emphasizes the power of faith and positive confession in receiving God's blessings.

The sermon emphasizes the importance of faith and how it can help overcome difficult times. The speaker references a biblical story where God healed bitter waters and promises that God can heal any situation in our lives if we obey his commandments. The sermon also discusses the mission of Jesus to bring good news and blessings to people, and encourages listeners to embrace this promise of a life of active blessing. The speaker declares blessings and prosperity for the congregation and asks them to receive a fresh impartation of the spirit of God.

Let's go to the Word of the Lord for a moment. Do you know that we are going to have a health service this afternoon? And already God, he has done things here today. He has been present in a precious way. But this afternoon at 12 we are consecrating the 12 o'clock time to pray specifically for healing for the sick.

We always pray for healing, every Sunday we have ministering time. But there is a difference, I believe that this time, as never before, we have thrown it down as a challenge and we have said: we believe that God is a healer, God heals and we are going to put everything on that and we are going to dedicate this service specifically to seek the healing, miraculous anointing from God.

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