Seek the healer, NOT the healing!

Samuel Acevedo
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker reflects on a phrase shared by a classical violinist during a worship service: "Seek the Healer and not the healing." He emphasizes the importance of seeking God above seeking healing or any other desired outcome. Seeking healing before the Healer can lead to God being just one more option to achieve a goal, compromising one's relationship with God, and using God for personal gain. The speaker argues that seeking the Healer first is the key to a genuine and authoritative Gospel message.

The speaker discusses the importance of seeking the healer (God) rather than just seeking healing. He emphasizes that seeking the healer leads to a deeper relationship with God and ultimately, a more fulfilling life. He shares personal stories of individuals who have sought God and received more than they ever imagined, even if it wasn't what they initially asked for. He encourages listeners to trust in God's plan and to focus on building a relationship with Him rather than just seeking quick solutions to their problems. The message is concluded with a prayer to seek God above all else.

Lord, because you open up, being us, Father, the dust of the earth. But we love you Lord and we feel your love. Lord, we feel your caresses, we feel your care, we feel your love, we feel your smile, we feel your presence.

Father, be the reason that brought us here, above all we love this: to be close to You, to know that Your eye rests on us, on our hearts to feel Your hand, Lord, on our lives and there is nothing that compares, Master.

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