tell them about jesus

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The sermon discusses the need for evangelism and presenting Jesus Christ as the solution to the problems and needs of humanity. The story of Jairo and the woman with a flow of blood for twelve years is used as an example of how people are searching for hope and healing. The woman had sought help from doctors for years but only got worse, highlighting the limitations of human solutions. The sermon emphasizes the importance of asking the Lord to unleash His power in the midst of the church and to use miraculous manifestations of God's power as a resource for evangelization. The sermon concludes by urging people to present Jesus as the alternative and solution to the problems of society, as human efforts alone are not enough.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of seeking healing in Christ rather than human doctors, as the devil can find a way in if we don't. He states that nations with justice and adherence to the values of the Kingdom of God will prosper, while those with abortion, homosexuality, and conspiracies against God's values will face disaster. The woman in the Bible who touched Jesus' cloak represents lost humanity seeking help, and when she heard about Jesus, she found hope. The speaker encourages evangelism through technology and personal interactions, daring people to take the opportunity to introduce others to Jesus. He emphasizes that Christ is the solution to humanity's problems and encourages people to put their faith in Him. Finally, the speaker encourages introducing people to Christ rather than religion or a specific church, as He is the only true healer.

We need to lift up Christ and make sure we introduce people to Him. When we do this, the Lord will remove the veil that covers people's understanding and open their eyes to the truth. We need to fill the city with the name of Jesus and unleash an epidemic of life and blessings. The demonic powers that rule this city and sow death and destruction can only be defeated by the Son of God, Jesus. We need to preach Christ and ask for the anointing of God to infect us with His power. We pray for those in the community who are suffering and ask for a seed of blessing and life to be unleashed on Boston.

I want to talk about a winning faith, I want to talk about the need to tell people about Jesus Christ, I want to present Jesus as the solution to all the problems and needs of humanity. Mark 5 verses 21 onwards, how to unleash the power of Jesus in our lives?

The Bible tells us about this woman who is one of the most wonderful and inspiring characters in all of Scripture. At this time in which we have said that as a Congregation we want to learn to be effective in Evangelism, we want to be a contagious Congregation, may the Lord teach us how to bring lives to the knowledge of Jesus, this woman speaks to us a lot about presenting to her people to Christ, that we talk to them about Jesus who wants to heal their needs.

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