What does God want with me?

Samuel Acevedo
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker shares a message about the power of blessing and living according to God's will. He suggests that instead of asking for specific answers to our questions, we should ask what God would do in our lives if He had the freedom to work as He wants. The speaker emphasizes that the mission of the Church is to preach the Gospel, which is to heal, transform, use and prosper. He reminds us that God knows and cares about our needs and wants to bring freedom to every aspect of our lives. The speaker encourages us to seek God's healing and freedom from the chains that may be holding us back.

The speaker discusses how people can be held captive by their past, and how this can prevent them from fully living in the present and future. He emphasizes the importance of seeking healing and freedom from these chains through God's love and forgiveness. The speaker also discusses the transformative power of God in people's lives, and how God can use even those who have been broken and marginalized to bring about revival and positive change in their communities. He encourages listeners to trust in God's plan for their lives and to be open to the ways in which God may use them for His glory.

The speaker encourages listeners to let the Lord use them, even if they feel inadequate. He shares promises from the Bible that God will prosper and bless those who trust in Him. He invites those who want to give their lives to the Lord to raise their hands and receive healing and transformation. The message ends with a prayer asking God to use and bless the listeners.

Isaiah 61. Meanwhile, turn around to someone and say, say hello and say "God Bless you." A good evangelical, charismatic, Pentecostal greeting: God Bless you. Brothers, as I shared at nine, my wish for your life; One of the things that I ask from the Lord for your life this morning is that from now on when you hear that greeting, or when you extend that greeting, you... may you never hear those words the same. Let them know the power of those words towards your life and that you know the authority that the Lord is giving you to bless; how we just blessed these homes; how we just blessed these families.

You know brothers, one way to define Blessing, a blessed life is to live according to God's will for our lives. In other words, we can assume that if we are, if we manage to live according to God's will for us; if we were able to know the perfect will of the Lord and live within that will, it can only culminate in Blessing. The only thing we can hope for is blessing. And perhaps your question - and it's a good and fair question - 'Well Samuel, then what is the perfect will for my life? Show me, Lord. Show me your perfect will and Amen, bless me.

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