What do you think of yourself?

Gregory Bishop
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Romans 12:3, we are reminded not to think of ourselves more highly than we should. We must have a sane view of ourselves and our abilities. This is important because pride can prevent us from working well as a team in the body of Christ. The story of Moses shows us how God can humble us when we are too prideful, while the story of Jairus and the bleeding woman shows us that our identity should not be found in our social status or achievements, but in our faith in Jesus. Jairus, a man of influence, humbly asks Jesus for help, while the bleeding woman, a marginalized person, has faith in Jesus' healing power. Both miracles teach us to find our identity in Jesus, not in worldly things.

The story of Jairus and the woman who touched Jesus' cloak teaches us about the healing power of Jesus and his love as a father to all his children. The woman had suffered for 12 years with an unclean identity and had spent all her money on doctors. She believed that if she touched Jesus' cloak, she would be healed, and she was. Jesus then called her "daughter" and told her that her faith had saved her. Similarly, Jairus was a successful man in society, but he needed the love of Christ just as much as the woman did. We are all children of God, and our self-concept should not depend on our circumstances or what others think of us. We are not the Christ, but we are unique individuals who can do something in the Kingdom that no one else can do.

The speaker encourages the congregation to have a proper self-concept and know that they are important in God's purposes, even if they are not the most important. They should offer themselves as a living sacrifice and accept that God has a purpose for them. The speaker prays for healing of misconceptions and for God to lift up those who feel rejected or incapable. The speaker also reminds the congregation that God's love does not change, regardless of their accomplishments. They should rest in God's arms and trust in His plan for their lives.

Romans 12, we come to the book of Romans, Chapter 12. So our pastor has spent a few months already preaching from the book of Romans. How many have these sermons been a blessing to? Amen. Amen. How many knows, if one wanted to see a sermon that he has preached, where can one be located, does anyone know? On the Internet, they are all stored there, so you can search for them from there and see everything that he has preached to us.

I'm just going to pick one verse from Romans and then I'm going to back it up with another text, which is one of my favorites. So Romans 12 and we are already in the part of the book of Romans that is the application of the book. So far God, or through the Apostle Paul, is explaining the Gospel. The book of Romans is a summary of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, how Jesus came to save us, to die for us, that it is not earned, that Jesus bought it for us, and that gives us peace and gives us new life. And he explained everything, everything in the book of Romans until Chapter 12 when it is time to talk about the application. Now what? Since Jesus died for me, since he bought me with his blood, now what?

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