The joy of a life forgiven

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker reflects on Psalm 32 and the importance of seeking forgiveness and confessing sins before God in order to receive guidance and direction. The psalmist emphasizes the blessings of being forgiven and covered of sin, and not being accused of iniquity by God. The speaker calls for a continuous examination of oneself in humility and repentance, without falling into paranoia or abusing God's grace. The speaker also stresses the importance of balancing sorrow for sin with trust in God's mercy and grace. Overall, the message encourages a life of confession and recognition of one's faults before God, in order to receive guidance and blessings.

The psalmist encourages a life of healthy confession and recognition of one's sin before God. He warns against hiding or disguising sin, as it leads to spiritual decay and sterility. Confessing and repenting of sin allows for God's mercy and forgiveness to flow. The psalmist lists additional benefits of a life of confession, including rescue in times of distress and the ability to trust in God as a refuge.

The writer discusses the benefits of being forgiven by God and having a clear conscience before Him. When one is right with God and has settled accounts with Him, God is free to help in times of trouble and trials. The psalmist says that the Lord will deliver the righteous from all their tests and trials. When one is forgiven and transparent with God, there is a sense of authority and confidence in their life. God promises to give wisdom, understanding, and direction to those who seek Him with a pure heart. The writer urges readers to make a firm resolution to give God anything that does not please Him and to be tender and submissive towards Him.

The speaker urges listeners to confess their sins to God and make a resolution to give up anything that doesn't please Him. They emphasize the importance of recognizing even the sins that may seem decent or elegant, and having a contrite and humiliated heart before God at all times. The speaker invites those who haven't given their life to Christ to do so, and urges everyone to walk with honesty and transparency before the Lord. They encourage listeners to write down their commitment and keep it visible as a reminder to live in honesty.

I want to direct your attention to a developed thought that I know will bless you for the rest of this year. I ask the Lord to give me the same dedication and passion for this message that he gave me this morning and that I can share it effectively with you as well. Psalm 32, we go to the word of the Lord. Says:

“…Blessed is he whose transgression has been forgiven and his sin covered. Blessed is the man, the woman, whom Jehovah does not blame for iniquity... in another passage of the Bible it says who Jehovah does not blame, that is, he does not attribute guilt even though he has it ─ whom Jehovah does not blame for iniquity and in whose spirit there is no cheating. While I kept silent my bones grew old in my moaning all day, because your hand was heavy on me day and night. My greenery turned into summer droughts, I declared my sin to you and I did not cover up my iniquity. I said, I will confess my transgressions to Jehovah, and you forgave the wickedness of my sin. For this all saints will pray to you at the time when you can be found. Certainly, in the flood of many waters they will not reach him.

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