The irresistible offer of Jesus

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: The Good News is founded on what God has already done through the victory of Jesus on the cross. Those who accept Jesus' offer of salvation become one spirit with Him and are liberated from the bondage of sin. We are no longer defined by our past failures or successes, but rather by our identity as children of God. The devil will try to tempt us to doubt our identity, but we can find joy in walking in the spirit because we are one with Christ.

We are too important to God. Two thousand years ago a historical, momentous, concrete and irrefutable fact occurred: God broke into the history of humanity in the person of his Son Jesus and history changed and humanity changed as well. The fight of his life was against sin, evil and death. The power of the three was completely destroyed at the cross. His victory was our victory, for he did it for us. The Good News for the unconverted world of today is not what God will do in the future in the human concert for their salvation, but rather, it is founded on what He has already done.

If the world were aware of what He already did, perhaps we would not be contemplating the chaos of a world that is lost because it cannot or does not want to see. Many people die without knowing Jesus. Another good part of the planet has not even heard his name for the first time. Jesus' offer is irresistible to the one who accepts it; if you give him your life, he gives you his. He says: here is my life, it is yours now, I give it to you if you receive it with faith, because you only have to trust me. I'll take care of all your things. Give up your life and surrender to me, deny yourself, join me. God's Word imparts incredible hope to us: “But whoever is united with the Lord is one spirit with Him” (1 Corinthians 6:17).

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