What great news: We are accepted in Christ!

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: The author ministered to a Christian suffering from depression and low self-esteem due to family problems. The author reminded the Christian that they have a new identity in Christ and should never have low self-esteem because they are accepted by God. The Christian should remember their identity and the price God paid on the cross for their freedom. God's love begins with acceptance and empowers us to turn our lament into joy. The Spirit of God allows us to call God our Father.

I recently had the privilege of ministering to a brother who was temporarily suffering from a deep depression caused by very serious family problems. Edmund could not understand that, being a Christian, he was subjected to such a painful test with his loved ones. I prayed with all my heart that God would guide us in that difficult moment and immediately I proposed that he give me all the reasons for his misfortune. Incredibly, Edmund complained to God constantly, his self-esteem was on the floor and his words came out of his soul contaminated with a double portion of mundane banality, pouring out judgments on his relatives - also Christians - that did not correspond to him. At the end of his speech against himself and against his world, he began to cry and then I asked him: Edmundo, do you know your identity? Have you lost track of who you are? Do you know that you are accepted in Christ just as you are and that He is in your midst? The answer puzzled me: No, I don't know what you're talking about!

This is the response of many Christians like Edmund. They never understood the meaning of the Good News in Christ Jesus. They have never understood that being accepted in Christ has given us a new identity by which we must always walk with our heads held high and in an upright position. The Christian, then, should never say that his self-esteem is low. Do you want higher esteem than being accepted in Christ and by Christ? Why do you need to scourge yourself by negatively estimating yourself if the one who has to esteem you believes you the apple of his eye since he gave himself on the Cross? He esteems you, delights in you with joy because you are his son and that identity is unique, it is privileged, not everyone has it. We are free, without guilt, because his blood cleansed us and that has no turning back. We can fall, have problems, suffer in moments of desolation. But God will be there, by our side. He just wants you to remember your identity and the price he paid on the cross to free you from all harmless thoughts and burdens.

God's love begins with acceptance. He affirms us, empowers us to turn our lament into joy and break down the barriers of our unbelief. We have been accepted into the Beloved of God! So do not go around complaining or claiming promises because they are all yours - all! - if you are aware of the Father you have, if you are clear about your true identity, your real substance as chosen by God, if you are obedient. The Word says: “Because the Spirit that God has given you does not enslave you or make you fear. On the contrary, the Spirit makes us children of God and allows us to say to God: Dad! " (Romans 8:15)

God bless you!

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