Jesus Christ has freed us from the power of the devil

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: As Christians, our joy should come from the fact that God has delivered us from the power of darkness and Satan. Without Christ, we are under the authority of Satan, but when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, His loving Lordship neutralizes the lordship of the devil in our lives. This gives us hope for progress, blessing, and holiness because Christ governs our life, not Satan. Our lives have been transferred from the realm of darkness to the Realm of Light.

Our joy must come as a result of God having delivered us from the power of darkness. Here a very important element of the Christian life is introduced and it is this matter that when we are in Christ, God has freed us from the power of Satan and that this must be one of the greatest reasons why we live lives of joy, of celebration and gratitude.

Sometimes we do not understand this dimension of the Christian life. When man is without God, when man or woman is without Jesus Christ by law they are under the power, under the authority of Satan. Nations and communities that do not take refuge under the name, under the blood of Jesus are by law then subject to the influence, control, and government of the powers of darkness. That is clear throughout all of Scripture.

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