His gospel

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: The power of God is manifested in the gospel of Christ, which is the message of Christianity poured out by the Holy Spirit. Those who believe in Christ will be saved, but not everyone who claims to believe will receive salvation. The sacrifice of the Lamb was the only offering of God to reconcile man with himself, and this is reason enough to work with God in His mission to reconcile the world to Him through the preaching of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is the gospel because He is the good news and the embodiment of the gospel message. He is the only daily good news in a world where man perverts and murders every message of hope and love between men and their Maker.

The gospel of Christ is compared to a net cast by God from heaven to save unbelieving and lost man and reconcile him to Himself. The apostle Paul seems to want to tell us in Romans 1:16 that the power of God is manifested in the gospel so that Those who believe (in Christ) be saved. End of story. From this it follows that not everyone who claims to believe will receive salvation. Everything depends on who you believe in and the pillars on which the belief rests and the faith that sustains it.

Until Christ illuminated the world with his marvelous light, the hope of salvation responded to the requirements of good works and obedience to the precepts of the law of Moses. From then on, the panorama has hardly changed at all for a good multitude of religious in all parts of the world. Jews and Gentiles - non-Jews - believed in God, as many people claim today, but Paul warned that the manifestation of God's power in Jesus Christ was necessary to make salvation true. That is why Christ is our Savior.

There are many people who claim to believe in God, but they are not saved nor will they be until they recognize that the sacrifice of the Lamb was the inconceivable and only offering of the great I AM to reconcile man with himself, this being the supreme act to offer salvation. This is reason enough to work with God in His mission to reconcile the world to Him through the preaching of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Word reaffirms it to us in a forceful way: “All this comes from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not taking into account their sins and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation (2 Cor 5.18-19)

Christ is the gospel because He is the good news; The gospel is the message of Christianity poured out by the Holy Spirit so that everyone who believes in Him (Christ) may enjoy salvation. God did not send His message in a bottle from heaven so that whoever found it by chance, and accepted it, would receive the blessing of being saved. No. He sent his son as the bearer of the message, as the embodiment of the gospel message; He is and will be the only daily good news in a world where man boasts, since dawn, in perverting and murdering every message of hope and love between men and their Maker. That is why he was sent into the world, that is why we need the savior, in him the great love of God was manifested.

God bless you!

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