The dynamics of healthcare
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Spanish)
The passage in Mark 8:22-26 teaches us about the complexities and dynamics of healing. Sometimes, the Lord chooses strange ways to minister to people and we need to be prepared for unexpected things. We should not reject the manifestations of the Spirit of God simply because they are strange, as God can use anyone to bless our lives. However, we should also be aware that there may be spiritual obstructions that need to be overcome before a healing can occur. Healing is complex, but we have a healing God who wants us to pray and minister to the sick. We should understand the different ways in which the Lord can heal, whether it is an instantaneous healing or a more complex and symbolic path. Ultimately, the purpose of healing is for the glory of the Lord.
The methods that the Lord used to heal in the Bible were diverse, sometimes verbally, sometimes by touching, and sometimes from a distance. There were also cases where the Lord forgave sins before healing. Sometimes the cause of the illness was a demonic spirit, which the Lord rebuked. The Lord would also take the initiative to heal, even if the person did not ask for it. It is important to persist in prayer and trust in the grace and mercy of the Lord, even when we don't understand the complex paths of healing. We should also ask for spiritual discernment and be willing to fight for our healing.
The speaker discusses the different ways in which God heals people and emphasizes that we cannot manipulate or control God's will. He also emphasizes that God is a God of processes and that we should trust in His timing and ways, even if we cannot fully understand them. The speaker encourages listeners to seek wisdom and understanding from God and to surrender to His will.
God is mysterious and wants to choose humble-hearted people who seek Him without preconditions or limitations. The speaker asks for a spirit of wisdom and understanding to interpret the times and minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. They pray for forgiveness of unbelief and ask for God's blessing to rain down on them during a prayer meeting on August 16. They express love and adoration for God.I want to talk about the subject of healing. I invite you to go to the Gospel according to Saint Mark chapter 8 verses 22 to 26, Mark 8:22 to 26. And I want to talk specifically about what is the dynamics of healing, dynamics of healing, what are the complexities? Since we are going to be ministering healing, this is a very practical teaching that can help us to approach the mystery of the God who heals us but who is also sovereign and who sometimes does unexpected things.
And I have chosen this text precisely because of how complex it is and because it teaches us that the Lord sometimes chose strange ways to minister to people as he does in our own lives as well. There are many teachings about healing at this time and many times well-intentioned but not necessarily biblical and so many times we oversimplify what the Lordship of God is or we get into the subject of healing, we are not prepared for strange things or even the strange things. more complex and deeper things than we expect.