The cross and the God of grace

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The sermon discusses the concept of grace, which is giving something of value to someone who does not deserve it. The speaker uses biblical passages to demonstrate how God's grace is extended to humanity through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to offer salvation and forgiveness of sins. By accepting Christ as our savior, we become beneficiaries of God's grace. The speaker emphasizes the importance of extending grace to others, even to those who may be our enemies, as exemplified by Luke 6:27. The sermon concludes with a call to action to serve the Lord more faithfully and extend grace to others as we have received it from God.

The essence of the Gospel is grace, mercy, and love towards others, even enemies. This is what sets Christianity apart from other religions. The entire narrative of the Bible is filled with acts of grace, from God clothing Adam and Eve in Genesis to Elisha showing mercy to the Syrians in the Old Testament. As Christians, we are called to be a people of grace and mercy, extending love and care to those who may not expect it from us. This goes against our biological nature, but it is what sets us apart and makes us more like Christ.

Grace is the same word as merit in the original Greek of the New Testament. Grace is when you extend yourself beyond what is normal, common, and easy to do. It is when you give respect to those who are not popular or when you invite someone who is not interesting to be your friend. Grace is when you put aside your rights for others and exercise acts of generosity, love, forgiveness, and mercy. It is the most powerful force in the universe and the judo of God. When you live in a posture of grace, God blesses you. The world needs instruments of grace more than ever before. It is revolutionary to be generous with your money, knowledge, and time, and to bless everyone around you. Grace is the most powerful weapon to make us happy and to provide everything we need in life. When you live in grace, God's blessing falls on your life, and you will always be happy. Let us be a people of grace, mercy, and love.

The message is to live a life of grace, generosity, and forgiveness. To give without expecting anything in return and to trust that God will provide. The speaker encourages the congregation to become a people of grace, goodness, and mercy, and to live their lives in the style of Jesus. They ask God to help them live this way and to be glorified through their actions.

Luke, 6:27. And I want to talk about grace as the very spirit of Easter, of the narrative of Holy Week, grace at the center of that narrative. Thinking that in a few days, as we had said during the announcements, we will be celebrating the so-called Holy Week where we remember the passion of Jesus Christ, his sacrifice for us, and his resurrection obviously too.

I want to frame that time with a meditation on grace, the grace of God and our grace that we must also extend to others. Luke, chapter 6:27 says:

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