An Appointment with Christ: A Graceful Life (Luke 6:27) Part 5

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In this message, the speaker concludes the study on grace and the attitude of grace, focusing on the concept of the cross and how it represents a scandalous idea to human sensibility. The Lord Jesus Christ asks us to embody the conduct of grace and carry the cross as He did. By assuming a posture of grace towards humanity, the Lord humbled himself, and God raised him from the dead and gave him a name more sublime, powerful, and royal than any other name in the universe. The key to mental health is adopting an attitude of grace towards others, blessing people, helping others, giving ourselves to others, accommodating ourselves for others, blessing those who do not deserve to be blessed, and being patient with those who irritate us. By living in a position of love, mercy, and grace towards others, we become powerful and happy people. Christ offers us the path to happiness by forgetting about being happy and living to make others happy. By opening our hearts to Him, we can start living like the Master.

On this occasion we want to temporarily conclude since in reality this study that we have been carrying out about grace and the attitude of grace is something so profound that it could take us many more programs. In the interest of continuing with other topics, we are simply going to conclude in this message with a part of this deep study about grace and how we should be people who express God's grace with our fellow men.

We have been meditating on Chapter 6 of the gospel according to Saint Luke, especially on verses 27 onwards. We have spoken about this attitude of goodness, mercy, love, benevolence, patience, tolerance, and good disposition towards others that Christ calls us to embody, to incorporate into our lives.

Other publications related to "An Appointment with Christ: A Graceful Life (Luke 6:27) Part 5":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
An Appointment with Christ: A Graceful Life (Luke 6:27) Part 2
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An Appointment with Christ: A Graceful Life (Luke 6:27) Part 4
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An Appointment with Christ: A Graceful Life (Luke 6:27) Part 3
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