The Church must have a balanced position

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The author reflects on the positive response to their meditations on homosexuality and the importance of the Church addressing delicate issues. They plan to continue discussing the challenges facing the Church in the 21st century, balancing the love and holiness of God. They briefly touch on Galatians 6:1, which calls for a balanced posture of holiness and grace in restoring believers caught in sin. The author emphasizes the importance of both aspects in the pastoral life of the Church to be productive and beneficial for people.

I have been reading some of the meditations that we present regarding the subject of homosexuality, a delicate subject as we imagine and difficult but very necessary in these times in which we are living.

And reading some of the reactions of you who are so generous in writing me texts letting us know the blessing that the programs are for you and by the way I tell you that encourages us, blesses us, we read those comments from you, your prayers that you write and We love to read that exchange between the brothers who build each other up and answer the concerns they have and affirm themselves in the things they say and that is a great blessing and it is what we want so much, right? of this virtual community that God is creating through God Speaks Today, that there is that type of companionship and that sense of community and brotherhood in Christ Jesus, gives us tremendous joy to be part of that formation of this Christian virtual community in so many different countries.

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