Today I want to talk about sex

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker shares a message about the importance of guarding our sexuality as a community of faith. They acknowledge that human nature is fragile and that sin can manifest in multiple ways, but specifically highlight the need to focus on our sexuality. They explain that sex, as God's creation, is beautiful and pleasurable but only when practiced within the context of marriage. The speaker emphasizes the spiritual dimension of sex and the transfer of energies that takes place during the act. They acknowledge that sexuality is a complex issue with many ramifications, and that the Church cannot afford to ignore it as a taboo subject. They encourage restoration for those who have suffered in their sexuality and call for a biblical, God-directed understanding of sex between couples. The speaker believes that the world has distorted God's intended purpose for sex and that God wants to restore healthy, beautiful, and precious sexuality within the context of marriage.

The speaker talks about the importance of restoring sexuality in individuals and couples, as well as promoting an environment where people feel free to express their struggles without fear of judgment. He emphasizes the responsibility of the church to help restore those who have fallen into sin and warns that self-righteousness should be avoided. The speaker also discusses the challenges of maintaining healthy sexuality in a world where values have been distorted, and stresses the importance of aligning oneself with God's truth. He encourages perseverance in doing good and warns against the seductive power of sex in today's society.

The speaker discusses the negative impact of distorted messages about sexuality in media and how the church can be a restorative community for those struggling in this area. He emphasizes the importance of approaching those who have fallen with love and support, rather than judgment. He encourages the church to take a stand against the harmful messages in society and to promote healthy sexuality in marriages, single life, and even in children. The speaker ends with a prayer for restoration and for the church to be equipped to restore those who have suffered.

The prayer asks for protection against Satan's tricks and for the ability to defend against spiritual attacks. It also asks for God's grace for individuals in different stages of life and for the church to be a place of restoration for those who need it. The prayer ends with a declaration for God's presence to fill the town.

I want to share a Word that the Lord has placed in my heart, that the Lord has troubled me a lot about it, obviously I know that it is not a very easy message to give but definitely in the name of Jesus we entrust ourselves to Him and ask that this message can be a blessing to each and every one of us.

But one thing that I have been reflecting on, of course, in these first months of the year we have wanted to reflect on how God is calling us to live in a new dimension of Faith. God is stimulating us as a Church, so that we can recognize that we are a community of Faith, that we are a community that we live not only looking at the things that we have in front of us but that there is a dimension of us that focuses on what cannot necessarily be seen with our physical eyes. There is a dimension to which the Lord calls us and that God challenges us so that we can learn to look at things from God's perspective. That is one of the aspects that I have been able to see and understand of what God wants to do with León de Judá in these times, in these days. The fact that we can be a community of Faith that does look towards the supernatural but has lost perspective of the tangible reality that we have around us.

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