The righteous will live by their faith

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In this meditation, the speaker addresses the issue of homosexuality and homosexual marriage, and the biblical position on these topics. He reads from Romans chapter 1, where the apostle Paul speaks about the behavior of homosexuality being contrary to the Will of the Lord. The speaker notes the importance of the Gospel in revealing the justice of God and the two ways in which humans can relate to God - through faith or resistance. He will continue his reflection on this topic in the next segment.

I want to get into a topic that is very different from what we normally deal with in these programs, but I think it has great importance for the time we are living not only here in the United States but also in the rest of our countries in Latin America and in Europe it's the same too.

It is about the issue of homosexuality and homosexual marriage or as civil unions are also called here and I think it is a subject that although it is a bit unpleasant and one would prefer to dedicate oneself to more issues of edification and spiritual growth and growth in our knowledge of the Will of God for our daily life, however, I believe that it is an issue that we have to deal with because of the urgency with which we are living this issue right now in our society.

Other publications related to "The righteous will live by their faith":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
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