Fall into the trap of sin

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: God calls for pastoral, merciful, and restorative churches that provide a balanced approach to sin and addiction. It is important to treat people who come to our churches with generosity, patience, and kindness, especially those who are struggling with addictions such as homosexuality. The treatment of God in the restoration process can be complex, and it requires knowledgeable people who can work with these processes until the desired result is produced. The story of the adulterous woman in the Bible shows how Jesus dealt with sin and how He balanced mercy with holiness. He did not condemn her but also told her to go and sin no more. We, too, must be people of restoration, mercy, and holiness.

We continue our meditation on God's call to pastoral, merciful, restorative churches in a society in flux and process that needs complexity in the way we treat it.

We have talked about King David, his terrible sin and the nuanced, merciful fatherly and righteous way that God treated him and we said that in the same way we have to treat the people who come to our churches. And that is why it is so important that you always understand that when I speak of the call to grace and mercy I am not speaking of debauchery but I am speaking of a balance.

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