Romans 12 (Part 6)

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In Romans 12:9, the Apostle Paul teaches about love without hypocrisy, honesty, and holding on to what is good while hating what is bad. He emphasizes the importance of seeing ourselves with simplicity and humility, and loving others with a pure, disinterested love. He also warns against gossip and encourages Christians to resolve conflicts quickly with love and tenderness. The original Greek word for "hold on" in this passage means to cling or stick with tooth and nail, emphasizing the importance of holding on to what is good.

The passage from Romans 12:9-10 encourages Christians to hate what is bad and cling to what is good. Christians must not become numb to sin or accept it as a part of their culture. They must hate sin and avoid anything that is prohibited by God. Christians should also show affection and brotherly love towards one another, not just in theory but in practical ways. This requires making a firm decision to hold onto what is good and to show love towards others.

The passage in Romans 12:9-10 speaks about genuine love, brotherly affection, and putting one another before oneself. Many people have theoretical love for humanity but lack practical love for their brothers and sisters. We should strive to have practical affection for one another and put each other first. The best way to be happy in life is by thinking of others and serving them, even if it means suffering loss. Before celebrating the sacrament, we should forgive each other and ask God to purify our love and make us more like Christ.

A simple life

In this series based on Romans 12, Dr. Miranda emphasizes that God calls us to transform rather than adapt to today's culture. If we take God seriously, He will take us seriously and we will see great changes in our lives.

1 A simple life (Romans 12:1)

2 A Simple Life (Romans 12:1) - Part 2

3 A Simple Life (Romans 12:1) Part 3

4 A Simple Life (Romans 12:1) Part 4

5 Romans 12 (Part 5)

6 Romans 12 (Part 6)

7 Joyful in hope - long-suffering in tribulation (Romans 12:11) Part 7

8 Romans 12 (Part 8)

We are going to continue, it has been several Sundays since we have put this passage aside due to different things that have intervened, absences, vacations, trips, etc., invited preachers, everything else, but we want to return to this wonderful passage and continue studying it until we we can get all his teaching. You may not remember it but I think I know where we dropped it last time here at the 9 o'clock service. I have had to keep a very good watch because since we have the 12 o'clock service too, sometimes I don't really know where I ended up. with one and where I started with the other. Let's go there for a little bit, to Romans Chapter 12, in verse 9. Last time with this service we talked about love that is without pretense, without hypocrisy, without hypocrisy we said that it is a better translation.

12:9 Romans. He says: “.... love be without pretense, hate what is bad, follow what is good; love one another with brotherly love; as regards honor, preferring one another." Let's leave it there and continue if necessary with another verse.

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