Who knows Christ is different as before

Gregory Bishop
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The text talks about the transformation that occurs when someone accepts Christ. The process of sanctification, becoming more like Jesus, is a long process and cannot be achieved by willpower alone. It requires being connected to God's power through prayer, reading the Bible, and congregating. Sometimes, God uses shocks or strong medicine to wake us up and loosen the sedimented dirt in our lives. He uses rough people or situations to smooth out our rough edges. It is all part of the Holy Spirit's process to transform us to be like Christ.

The Holy Spirit works in us to change us to be more like Christ. Baptism represents a cleansing of our sins, and the Holy Spirit softens our hearts. Confessing our sins to each other and praying for each other leads to healing. We must also rid ourselves of things that lead us to sin and fill our lives with the things of God. The blood of Jesus purifies us and covers our sins. We must cling to God's mercy and love and be transformed by it. We ask for God's purifying spirit to transform us and make us more like Jesus.

We are going to the word of God and we are going to touch again First Peter, 2 of verses 9 to 12.

Verse 9 says, again “.... but you are a chosen lineage , royal priesthood, holy nation, people acquired by God so that you may announce the virtues of him who called you out of darkness into his admirable light. You who in another time were not a people, but who are now the people of God, who in another time had not obtained mercy, but now you have obtained mercy. Beloved, I beg you, as foreigners and pilgrims, to refrain from carnal desires that battle against the soul, keeping your way of living among the Gentiles good, so that in what they murmur about you as criminals they may glorify God on the day of the visitation when considering your good works....”

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