Reaching restoration

Fanny Rodríguez
Fanny Rodríguez

SUMMARY: Accepting Jesus as our Savior means entering the divine operating room for Him to remove sin from our lives, which is a painful but healing process. The blood shed is that of Jesus on Calvary, which has the power to cleanse and heal. The Holy Spirit illuminates areas of weakness that need to be eradicated. Let the Surgeon of the Soul remove everything that has kept you tied up, so you can be used as an instrument to help others enter a relationship of freedom in Christ. Pray for transformation in this new year.

On one occasion I went into a surgery room accompanying a friend in the process of a cessation. The room was spotless, so they put a gown, gloves, mask on me, covered my hair, and even made me wear ankle boots. Although I was not the one operated on, I had to dress appropriately. As I mentioned the room was impeccable, but minutes later the blood dirty the white sheets and even the surgeon when applying the scalpel splashed blood on his white clothing The area got messy and dirty, but in the end the precious baby was born and they continued the task of saturating and we left with great joy for the success of the process.

When we accept Jesus as the Lord of our lives and our Savior we have to be willing to enter the divine operating room for Him to breed sin (addictions, sins and all iniquity) from our lives, we are made new creatures. It is a painful and difficult process but healing, liberating and our eyes are open. The blood that is shed is the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary that has the power to cleanse and heal.

After accepting Christ, we live in Him. However, the Holy Spirit begins to illuminate those areas of weakness (anxiety, depression, bitterness, deformations of character or that sin or bad habit that we continually cultivate) that still need to be eradicated. Are you willing to enter the divine operating room and lie down on the operating table? The Lord is waiting for you to seek to perfect your walk and live truly free.

The beginning of the year is a good time for the Holy Spirit to examine and guide you to those areas that need to be removed. Today I encourage you to let The Surgeon of the Soul, of Emotions, breed everything that has kept you tied up, preventing you from being used as an instrument to accompany others to enter the surgery room and receive the power of the Most High. You just have to express to the Lord your desire to be transformed.

Lord Jesus I invite you to heal me and may the Holy Spirit guide me to recognize that area so that your blood cleanses and liberates me, I want to be an instrument used by you from this new year, to help others to enter a relationship of freedom in You thank you for your love and direction. Amen

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