Let us worry about the anointing of God and not the armor of Saul

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The anointing and filling of the Holy Spirit allows believers to interpret and understand the sovereign things that God does in their lives, even if they contradict reason and culture. Saul's armor, which David rejected, is a lesson that what a person of the Holy Spirit uses may not be what those without the anointing require. We should not establish unequal yokes with non-believers or believers who do not move in the same way in the Holy Spirit. God looks for those who are willing and have a heart for Him, using earthen vessels to show His power. The weapons that God uses are different from those of the world, and we should not rely on reason, marketing, or academic pedigree without the anointing of God in our lives. The most important thing is to ask if God is with us and if His anointing is moving powerfully in our lives.

People who do not enjoy the power, the anointing, the fullness, the experience of the Holy Spirit do not have the capacities to correctly interpret the strange, different, sovereign things that God often does in the lives of anointed people or anointed environments and that many times contradict the parameters of reason and culture.

Another situation that we see interesting is regarding the use of Saul's armor that teaches us another very revealing lesson, where when Saul accepts that David goes against the giant Goliath he tries to help him by providing him with the common armor of a soldier. I imagine that the armor worn by the king of Israel must be the best there was in the whole land and the one that protected the most, and facilitated the most effective movements.

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