How to pray to the Lord

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The book "Pies de Barro" is about the life of King Jehoshaphat and his prayer to the Lord when a great army came to destroy Judah. Jehoshaphat left behind principles for prayer, including being specific about defining and acknowledging one's situation. He recognized the great danger he faced and accurately saw what was coming against him. Specificity is key in the Christian life and being specific in approaching life situations is one of the most powerful principles for success. We must look inside ourselves, recognize our flaws, and acknowledge our problems. We must also be well-informed about the weapons of the enemy and our own weapons. The author shares his experience in planning the construction of the new temple and how he has had to be extremely lucid, specific, and detailed in his planning process while operating from a position of faith.

In order to operate from a position of faith, one must be specific and pay close attention to detail, avoiding carelessness or superficiality. Moses' specific and detailed instructions to the two spies in the Bible are instructive in this regard. One must inform themselves in their lives, read, study, inquire inside, ask the Lord for wisdom, and bring specific requests. One must have a lucid look and a detailed awareness that allows them to go before God with specific requests that allow them to receive strategy and resources for the battle that lies ahead.

Jehoshaphat's decision to humble himself and seek wisdom from God is inspiring and exemplary. He acknowledged his situation, humbled himself, recognized his insufficiency, and called companions to help him in his need and in his cry. In a theocratic culture like Judah, the kingdom functioned not only as a political leader but also as a spiritual head. Jehoshaphat involved the entire nation in appealing to Jehovah for a miraculous intervention.

The writer emphasizes the power of prayer in community, highlighting the Lord's declaration that where two or three are gathered in his name, there he is in the midst of them. The power of unity, in the spiritual agreement between believers, is important. While individual prayer is valuable, collective prayer can encourage us to keep going, especially when facing difficult battles. It is important to find people of faith to face the battles of life together and not try to fight them alone.

The sermon encourages people to have a strong prayer life and to seek help from their community when facing challenges. The life of Josaphat is used as an example of a faithful warrior who relied on prayer and sought guidance from God. The importance of persistent prayer and its ability to prevent and protect against the attacks of the devil is emphasized. The sermon concludes with a call for people to put on the armor of a warrior and to cry out to God for strength and transformation.

Second Book of Chronicles, what we want to do this afternoon is to underpin this time of clamor that we have begun this week. I am going to be reading some Chapters of the book Pies de Barro, which deals precisely with prayer and some principles that should govern our prayer life. How we pray to the Lord.

This book is about the life of King Jehoshaphat, and one of the great moments in King Jehoshaphat's life was when this great army that we talked about last Sunday came to destroy Judah and drive God's people out of their land. And King Jehoshaphat cried out to the Lord, he was a man who loved God and instead of running away, getting depressed, handing over his weapons, Jehoshaphat decided to cry out to the Lord and look up to God.

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