
Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The story of King Hezekiah in Second Chronicles chapter 29 is a story of revival. Hezekiah was a distinguished king who showed the same passion for God as his spiritual ancestor David. In a time of national spiritual decline, Hezekiah opened the doors of the temple and called for its cleansing. He urged the Levites to sanctify themselves and remove the filth from the sanctuary. Hezekiah's call led to a mighty revival throughout Israel. The story is a reminder that God calls us to be sources of revival for our cities and regions. It is also a call to holiness and integrity before God, as prerequisites for any revival that God wants to bring to our lives. The story shows the importance of prayer and crying out to God, and the need for sacrifice and consecration to Him. The passage is a reminder that God can use even the least deserving of us to do His work, and that we must walk with holy fear before Him.

The passage being discussed is about Hezekiah calling for a spiritual convocation and renewal in Israel, where he emphasizes the importance of having a perfect heart for God. Hezekiah opens the doors of the Temple and corrects the spiritual corruption and neglect, as he understands that prosperity depends on a correct relationship with God. The writer believes that congregations and individuals who prioritize the Word of God and seek Him are needed in times of spiritual decline. The Church is called to open its doors for revival and be generous in sharing its space. The writer urges believers to remember their special identity and calling as priests and sanctify themselves. The revival starts with a sanctified Church, and believers need to stop playing evangelical and assume an identity of a servant of the Lord. The writer encourages believers to remember that they belong to a spiritual military company and to support events like the National Day of Prayer and the upcoming Korean college kids' prayer event.

The speaker urges the congregation to sanctify themselves and consecrate their lives to the Lord. They emphasize the importance of being a holy people and setting an example for others. The speaker also talks about the upcoming revival and the need to prepare and sanctify themselves to be ready for it. They ask for forgiveness for neglecting God and their spiritual lives and ask for God's mercy and cleansing. The speaker ends by giving all the glory and honor to the Lord.

Second Chronicles chapter 29 tells us about King Hezekiah, a very distinguished king, his story is very beautiful. I want to talk to you about revival this afternoon, revival. And in the first verse it says: "Hezekiah began to reign when he was twenty-five years old, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Abijah, the daughter of Zacharias" and here is the important thing about this man of God "and he made what was right in the eyes of the Lord, according to all that David his father had done." That is very significant because there were several kings in a long litany of kings who behaved badly and among those kings there were a few who did good, but very few of them are said to have done according to all the things that David had done, his father because David, by his generosity to God, his loving heart in a desperate way of God had served as the norm. Very few kings had had that passion and dedication to God like David.

And that is why it is significant that it says here that Hezekiah showed the same integrity, the same surrender, the same passion for God as David his father, his spiritual ancestor in other words. "In the first year of his reign, in the first month, Hezekiah" another interesting thing "opened the doors of the house of the Lord and repaired them, and called for the priests and Levites and assembled them in the eastern plaza, and He said: Hear me Levites, sanctify yourselves now, and sanctify the House of Jehovah, the God of your fathers, and remove filth from the sanctuary."

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