Material possessions - Hold on lightly (1 Timothy 6:6)

Dr. Roberto MirandaRESUMEN:
In the parable of the foolish rich man, we see what not to do when it comes to money and riches. The man didn't acknowledge God, had no sense of stewardship, had no eternal perspective, thought his soul would be satisfied with material things, didn't take God into account when planning for the future, and didn't acknowledge the fragility of life. In contrast, in Timothy 6, we see a more positive and prescriptive attitude towards riches and possessions. We should acknowledge that God is the origin and owner of our possessions, dedicate a significant part of our time and energy to the things of God, give the Lord part of our money (at least the tithe), and be generous with our money towards those in need. We should also aim to be happy with what we have and not be attached to material objects, as ultimately, we can't take anything with us when we leave this world.
The writer discusses the importance of being generous with money and giving to those in need, while also using wisdom and discernment. They emphasize the reality of eternal life and making financial decisions in light of the coming Kingdom. Prioritizing spiritual things over material possessions is key, and letting go of possessions for a noble cause should not be a burden. The writer encourages being thankful for the privilege of serving God and being good stewards of His possessions. The ultimate goal is to love God above all things and work for His Kingdom.Last Sunday we studied the parable of the foolish rich man, the man who put all his hopes in his riches. This man shows us in a very negative way what not to do, how not to relate to money and to riches. We studied this text in the light of the idea of stewardship. This idea that all belongs to God, He’s the creator of everything, he’s the sustainer of everything and therefore nothing really belongs to us. Everything originates on him, when we give our time, our money, our talents, we’re really giving to the Lord what belongs to him. We saw a lot of mistakes that this man made and in the interest of summary I’ll mention some of these errors that this man made.
1. He doesn’t acknowledge God. Everything he does is simply me, I’m going to make my own decisions, I’m going to do whatever I want with my riches.