The desire for a change

Andrés Cisterna
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The sermon focuses on the desire for change and how it begins with oneself. The speaker encourages the audience to ask themselves questions about change, such as what it is, how it is born, and what implications it has in their lives. He emphasizes the importance of being willing to assume the changes that the Lord wants us to make and submitting ourselves to His will. The speaker cites Bible verses to support his message and encourages the audience to ask God to renew their spirits, hearts, and ways of thinking and acting. He concludes by urging everyone to seek changes that will bring them closer to God and to declare these changes to Him.

Hold your brother's hand and acknowledge that we all struggle in different ways. Pray for God to renew our spirits, hearts, thoughts, and actions. Ask for Him to change what doesn't align with His will. May the Holy Spirit lead us to renewal.

"...You have changed my regret into dancing, you untied my cilicio and you girded me for joy..." When I saw this text, it has been a sequence of many situations, but there is a word that caught my attention, the word 'change', changed , it says here. And I titled this sermon 'The Desire for Change'. Everyone in one way or another, we want a change. Either way, when fall comes winter comes, then spring. Some of us want a physical, urgent change. We go on a diet to be able to wear a t-shirt even in the summer, otherwise, some of us need a change in our character, in our personality. We are always struggling with something. The world needs a change.

This reflection was born a few months ago when I called my church to a time of fasting, 21 days of fasting, and we put 'I want a change'. Always when we talk about change, Lord, and we spiritualize it, Lord, change the pastor. Sir, this cell leader, open me another cell or change it to me, Sir. Lord, change my brother who has no sympathy at all.

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