One last great outpouring of the Power of the Holy Spirit

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The filling of the Holy Spirit is often characterized by manifestations that make people think that people are drunk. This is because the Holy Spirit can cause people to talk or move incoherently, similar to being drunk with alcohol. On the Day of Pentecost, the apostle Peter connected the manifestation of the Holy Spirit with the prophetic scriptures of the Old Testament, specifically the Book of Joel. While Joel's prophecy has a two-fold fulfillment, the apostle Peter understood that the first fulfillment was occurring on the Day of Pentecost. However, the fullest fulfillment of the prophecy will be given in the end times before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, where there will be a great, powerful manifestation of the Power of the Holy Spirit worldwide. The Church of Jesus Christ will be endowed with supernatural power in an unprecedented way to announce the Gospel, a last great harvest before the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is interesting that the filling of the Holy Spirit is often characterized by manifestations that make people think that people are drunk, those who are filled with the Holy Spirit. That is why Paul also says that: "Do not get drunk with wine, but be filled with the Holy Spirit" there is a comparison as with getting drunk with alcohol and being filled with the Holy Spirit.

There are times, there are times when God can baptize us with the Spirit so that our brain kind of has a short circuit and we start talking incoherently or moving incoherently, and it would seem that we are drunk because we are saturated with that new wine of the Holy Spirit.

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