No matter what valley you're going through, God is with you
Miriam CarrasquilloWhen Jesus was being crucified he spoke these words: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me ?! When he made this exclamation he was going through a time full of anguish, pain and great suffering. His agony was so great that He could not feel or perceive God the Father next to Him; felt lonely at one point. The presence of God was overshadowed by so much pain, and suffering - Although God never, not for an instant left Him, Jesus felt that the spirit of God had departed from Him.
He had never fully understood such an exclamation, until recently. I recently had a very painful experience. I was going through a moment of great pain and great suffering, a very special being for me had just passed away; The woman who dedicated her entire life to mine passed away; who taught me, and modeled the love of our Heavenly Father; who on countless occasions told me: 'Miriam, the Lord is with us all the days of our lives' (“… and here I am with you all the days, until the end of the world” Matthew 28:20).