The God of all Consolation

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: As Christians, we are not exempt from going through tribulations and times of anguish. However, we have a God who never spares being at the side of the broken-hearted, those who suffer, and those who cry without consolation. It is good to know that we have a Father of mercies who consoles us. The Bible tells us of a God who never spared being at the side of the broken-hearted. One of the most pious, but also most difficult tasks of the body of Christ is to minister consolation to the brothers who temporarily suffer from serious pain. However, the comfort that emerges from the supernatural action of God is the one that truly heals. When one knows that he is comforted by God himself and comes to experience healing comfort, he begins to be able to comfort others.

Those of us who have experienced God's goodness will surely have sufficient proof of his infinite mercy. Who has not had evidence that has temporarily brought him down accompanied by an avalanche of pain and tragedies that tear the soul to the point of fainting? Are we Christians exempt from going through tribulations and times of anguish? We are delusional if we say no. Living a victorious life in Christ does not sometimes free us from the merciless attacks of the prince of darkness. But… it is good to know that we have a Father of mercies who consoles us.

The Bible tells us of a God who never spared being at the side of the broken-hearted, those who suffer, those who suffer traveling through a desert apparently without oasis around, those who cry without consolation immersed in the sufferings of the flesh. The supernatural grace of God in these cases not only manifests itself to heal the wounds of life's battles, but also to bring the comfort that restores hope to continue walking by his mercy. We just have to call him and wait patiently!

One of the most pious, but also most difficult tasks of the body of Christ is to minister consolation to the brothers who temporarily suffer from a serious pain, which can range from the loss of a job to that of a loved one, but it happens that if the that consoles has not gone through the same pain of the one who suffers the pain, no far-fetched words to comfort, nor biblical verses for the occasion, nor heartfelt hugs, nor eyes dampened by solidarity, are enough (sometimes) to lessen the suffering; that horrible torment that uproots you from life and unwittingly turns you into a perfect wretch. But He is a Father of mercies and a God of consolation.

You must go to Him. His supernatural healing, his overflowing grace as an ointment of the best elaboration, in nothing compares with what we, with the best Christian intention, could do. The comfort that emerges from the supernatural action of God is the one that truly heals. When one knows that he is comforted by God himself and comes to experience healing comfort, he begins to be able to comfort others. Paul says it rightly: "(God) ... who comforts us in all our tribulations so that with the same comfort that we have received from God, we too can comfort all those who suffer." (2 Corinthians 1: 4)

Those of us who have felt that divine healing healing of a soul split in two by pain, (I am the first of all) know that they have been the deposit and instrument of a great miracle of God. When everything seemed to crumble around us, a desperate cry worked the presence of the Comforter in Spirit and gently devoured the bitterness that killed us, giving superabundant peace and healing of the heart. We thank God for the many brothers and sisters to whom God has given the gift of ministering for times of distress. I myself have felt that solidarity love of those who undo in love to relieve us. I am sure that most of them also one day presented to God their sores caused by pain. Even holding them close, knowing that they are there, ready to serve us out of love, it is our search for divine providence, for the power of the incomparable grace of our Lord, that give us the best medicine and the most precious consolation.

God bless you!

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