My God is the Prince of Peace

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: The Prince of Peace, Jesus, came into the world in a humble manner and brought a message of peace. As Christians, we are called to seek Christ in the church, not just peace. True peace comes from Christ and seeking the Kingdom of God. God promised peace to his people and his Word is always faithful. Let us make peace a banner that honors Christ, the Prince of Peace.

Roll out your rug and make way for the Prince! He broke the existing molds since his arrival in the world. He chose a donkey instead of a steed, a crown of thorns instead of a royal one, his mood is simple, his dress like that of a shepherd. He spoke with thousands (in three years), but millions follow him into eternity. His appearance was not majestic (Is 53.2), but his heart has captivated the world. He is Emmanuel, the Prince of Peace, the Lord's anointed, the one sent to mend wounded hearts, the bearer of the best news. We cannot see him, but the evidence of his footprints is visible in the walk of his redeemed court. Unroll your rug (your life) and let it pass. Your peace is a precious Shalom. Do you want it?

Today it is difficult to speak of peace, but Christians must not allow ourselves to be carried away by the princes of this world (those who see solutions in wars, those who finance them, those who cover them up). There are also wars that are not against other humans, but against God. The mistreatment of the environment (pure creation of God), the pollution of the waters, the ozone layer, in short. We love peace since it is in our DNA; if we were made new creatures in Christ, peace must rule all work and thought of our hearts. "May the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which you were called in one body" (Col 3.15a).

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