By the grace of God, are we "brothers"?

Samuel Acevedo
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker reflects on the passage in Acts 9 where Saul has an encounter with Jesus and is converted to Christianity. The two words that stood out to the speaker were "Brother Saul," said by Ananias when he lays hands on Saul and calls him brother. The speaker reflects on the power of brotherhood in Christianity and how it comes down to moments of grace, mercy, and love. The recipe for conversion, the speaker says, hasn't changed. The encounter with Jesus involves converting to Him and not the other way around, and making an action to obey Him. The speaker emphasizes the importance of obeying Jesus and loving one another.

In Acts 9, Saul has a conversion experience on the road to Damascus. He sees a vision of Jesus and is blinded for three days. During this time, he reflects on his past actions and realizes his wrongdoing. Similarly, we may have moments where we see the glory of God and realize our own inadequacy. But through grace, we can continue on and follow God's plan for our lives. If anyone wants to make a decision to follow Jesus, they can do so. Ultimately, we need God above all things and declare our love for Him.

Brethren, how many has it happened to you that, perhaps you have read and re-read, and re-read a particular passage but there comes a time when you read it again and the Holy Spirit reveals something to you that you have never seen before? ?

Even if it's a word or two, but at the moment something about that passage kind of stands out and at the moment, you don't see it the same. And perhaps, as long as you live, you will not read that passage anyway. That happened to me with this passage. We know that the Lord has put it in the Pastor's heart, the Holy Spirit has put it in his heart that we are studying the Book of Acts together. Or as he said last Sunday, I should say, the Acts of the Holy Spirit. Instead of the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, the Acts of the Holy Spirit. And reading, Acts chapter 9. I don't know in its translation, but in the translation that I have here, the editors of the Reina Valera version wrote this note, with Saulo's version. Do they have it there?

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