The second coming of Christ and the resurrection of the dead
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
This teaching about the Second Coming is something very important, very key for the Church of Jesus Christ and that is why we have been working on this topic these last Sundays. And what we are going to be doing is going through two or three, or four different key passages that there are in Scripture that help us to understand this subject much better, the doctrine of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have not even taken many notes but what I have done is simply choose the passage, they are key passages and then let the passage guide us as it speaks, and then we can explain and round off this doctrine. What I want is that at the end of three or four sermons on this subject you are well educated concerning one of the great teachings of Scripture, which is this doctrine that the Lord comes and comes a second time to seek His people. .