Our faith must affect all aspects of our life

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: King Jehoshaphat removed the altars and high places dedicated to the goddess Asherah, neutralizing the spiritual curse of idolatry on his nation. This suggests a period of revival in his spiritual life, which gave him the courage to confront the worship of false gods. He could not separate his spiritual convictions from his public or political role, and Christians in such positions should extend their moral and spiritual convictions to their decisions and actions. If a position prevents them from carrying out their responsibilities consistent with their moral or spiritual identity, they should resign. By tearing down the Asherah statues, Jehoshaphat removed any legal claim Satan might have had to chain his nation and opened the doors for God's blessing to flow unhindered. We too can renounce sinful behavior and open the doors for God's blessing to flow into our lives.

The Bible tells us that one of the first measures that King Jehoshaphat took when he assumed the reign was to remove the altars and high places dedicated to the goddess Asherah. Verse 6 tells us that "his heart was encouraged in the ways of the Lord, and he removed the high places and the images of Asherah from the midst of Judah." In this way, he neutralized the spiritual curse that weighed on his nation as a consequence of idolatry .

That "his heart was enlivened in the ways of Jehovah" suggests a period of revival in the life of the king of Judah, before beginning that spiritual reformation in his nation. It is possible that at some point Jehoshaphat experienced an awakening in his spiritual life. Perhaps he went from being a mere cultural believer to manifesting a genuine commitment to God. Possibly he began to become familiar with and meditate on Jehovah's Law. He asked God for direction to wisely rule his nation. His faith was affirmed. He experienced a new sensitivity to the sin of his people. A new sense of urgency was born in him in the face of the growing spiritual apostasy of his nation. Jehoshaphat grew strong in the Lord, and received the courage to confront the worship of false gods.

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