I have a goal in my life and no one can stop me
Mick Da Silva(Audio: Spanish)
In Nehemiah chapter 1, Nehemiah receives news that his people are in despair and the walls of Jerusalem are destroyed. He prays and fasts before the Lord and declares the attributes of divine character. Nehemiah recognizes that turning away from the ways of the Lord was the reason for their destruction. There are things that prevent us from reaching our goals, such as accepting the devil's accusations on our lives. God has called us to be victorious in his kingdom and the work on the cross of Calvary was complete. The rest is Satan's lie.
God has called us to be victorious and not to assume positions of defeat or failure in his kingdom. We need to know who we are in God and how to live the benefits that God has for us in his kingdom. We must beware of the devil's proposals that aim to take our eyes off the project that God has for us. We should not stop the work, keep busy in the Lord, and not worry about what people think of us. Even our friends can be dangerous, so we need to ask the Lord for discernment. Let us walk with God in such a way that it pleases him, even if it displeases everyone else.
In this sermon, the speaker gives advice on how to live a holy and consecrated life, using examples from the book of Nehemiah. The advice includes praying to walk with God in a way that pleases Him, being vigilant against the devil's attacks, not being distracted by gossip and conflicts with others, and living a pure and consecrated life before the Lord. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of confessing sins and seeking forgiveness from God through Jesus Christ. The sermon ends with an invitation for anyone who wants to give their life to Jesus to raise their hand and make that commitment.Let's go to the word of the Lord. Nehemiah chapter 1. Word of Nehemiah, son of Jacaliah:
“It happened in the month of quisleu in the year 20, when I was in Susa, the capital of the Kingdom, that Janani, one of my brothers, came with some men from Judah and I asked them about the Jews who had escaped, who had remained in the city. captivity, and by Jerusalem. And they told me, “The remnant of the captivity there in the province are in great evil and shame and the wall of Jerusalem is demolished and its gates burned with fire. When I heard these words I sat down and wept and mourned for some days and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.