Gospel of the cross

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: The passion of Jesus on the cross is the outpouring of the power and wisdom of God. The gospel of the cross cannot be understood by human reason, but by the revelation of the Spirit. Celebrating the passion of Jesus is celebrating life, as his death gave us the death of our corrupt nature and his resurrection made us born again. The gospel of the cross has not stopped announcing itself and is still looking for "madmen" who preach their madness, who understand the value of the cross. The challenge is to look to heaven so that our message loses its fragile humanity and Christ remains the irreplaceable word of the cross.

It was passion. The cross could not be understood except through the power of God and his Spirit. An outpouring of the passion of almighty God, passion made into words of death, life, resurrection; words that have the taste of wood, the taste of the cross. We preach the crucified Christ, not dead, but risen, alive in all his immensity. The word of the cross remains madness until Christ heals the schizophrenia of human wisdom in the mind and heart of the unbeliever. that receives the beautiful touch of God. The gospel of the cross cannot be understood by human reason, but in the Spirit. Jesus is the power and wisdom of God. The gospel is based on the word of the cross, on the crucified Christ who rose again on the third day.

We must know that our old man was crucified with him (Ro 6.6). We must remember that we have crucified the flesh (Galatians 5.24) and we walk in newness of life (Ro 6.4). We were dead and he resurrected us along with him. The passion of the Lord is understood by the revelation of the word of the cross, of the gospel of salvation.

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